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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3244)

Child Parliamentarian with Albinism Hails the House

A boy with albinism who is also a child parliamentarian for Mwanza Central, Chisomo Goliati, says there have a number of interventions on matters that concern them courtesy of child parliament.

Snr Chief Chimaliro Urges Govt to Complete 15 Model CBCCs

Senior Chief Chimaliro of Thyolo has asked the government to complete the construction of the World Bank funded 15 model Community Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs) which has stalled for a year now in the district.

Covid-19, Cyclones Delay Limbe-Sandama Railway Project

Ministry of Transport and Public Works has attributed Covid-19 restrictions and recent cyclones as major factors that have delayed the completion of Limbe-Sandama railways line which was slated for May 2022.

Locals Threaten to Close Thyolo – Thekerani - Bangula Road

Over 100 concerned locals along Thyolo -Thekerani-Bangula road have threatened to close it next week Monday following failure by the government and Mota-Engil to compensate them since 2019.

BWB Signs Contract with Indian Firm on Power Plant

The Blantyre Water Board (BWB) has signed a contract with an Indian company, TATA Consulting Engineers to conduct a feasibility study and a detailed design for the development of a 30 megawatts solar power plant at walkers’ ferry Nkula site.

Malawi Govt Challenged in Ending Child Labour

Government has been challenged to increase investment in child protection and strictly enforce child labour laws in order to end the vice in the country.

NCD Alliance Calls for Increased Awareness on Hypertension

Lack of awareness and screening among most Malawians is said to be derailing efforts to fight growing cases of hypertension in the country, with a current prevalence rate standing at 16 percent.

RBM Advised to Maintain K10, K20 Denominations

Following a recent 25 percent devaluation of Kwacha, economists have advised the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) to maintain small denominations such as K10 and K20 in the economy to facilitate business transactions.

Locals Clean Torched Bvumbwe Police Station in Thyolo

Communities around Bvumbwe in Thyolo held a clean-up exercise at the torched police station on Thursday in readiness for the renovation of the facility amid reported criminal activities.

AGE Africa Supports Rehabilitation of Secondary School in Mulanje

Normal classes at Thuchira Community Day Secondary School in Mulanje are expected to resume soon, after a girl child organization- Advancing Girls Education (AGE) in Africa donated wood planks valued at close to K1 million for rehabilitation of the destroyed roofs of forms one and two classrooms.

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