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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3244)

CMST Boasts of Adequate Supplies

Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) says it has 52 percent of essential medicines and medical supplies in its stocks.

Ministry Expresses Commitment to Upgrade Health Centers

Deputy minister of health, Enock Phale says his ministry is committed to upgrade health centres in the country into rural hospitals to serve a huge number of people who travel long distances in need of proper medical attention.

MACRA to Erect New Towers to Promote Mobile Money Services

The Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has disclosed that it wants to erect 76 network towers in hard-to-reach areas in the next five years as a way of promoting mobile money transaction services and communication to all.

Limbe Police Wears Rainbow

Rainbow Paints says it has   spent over K18 million in painting Limbe Police Station in fulfillment of its corporate social responsibility.

MRCS Disperses K10.5 million to Storm Ana Survivors

Balaka District Council has hailed Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) for reaching out to Tropical Storm Ana survivors with a K10.5 million cash in the district in Traditional Authority's Amidu, Phimbi, and Kalembo whose houses were heavily affected early January.

Malawians Fear K5, 000 to Trigger High Inflation

Hours after the Reserve Bank of Malawi has let the K5, 000 note into circulation, some Malawians are afraid of high inflation and difficulties in business transactions.

Care Malawi Launches 2022 Tropical Storm Ana Emergency Response

Care Malawi has launched its 2022 Tropical Storm Ana Emergency Response Program currently pegged at US$500, 000 which is slightly over K402 million.

Bad Weather Delays Rare Earth Exploration in Mt Mountain

Akatswiri Mineral Resources says continued harsh weather has delayed the resumption of exploration of rare earth at Chambe basin in Mount Mulanje Biosphere Reserve.

Reaping Fruits of Child Friendly Mobile Courts in Neno

For most children in Neno district to access fair justice has always been a nightmare due to a number of obstacles on their way.

Abandoned Luchenza Dam a Solution to Water Woes at MUST

Malawi University of Science and Technology, MUST, in Thyolo says water problems at the institution can only end if government revive the abandoned Luchenza multipurpose dam project.

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