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News In Southern Region

News In Southern Region (3242)

MCP Vice President Urges Youth to Be Responsible

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) vice president has implored the party's youths in the eastern region to desist from any acts that will incite public disorder.

Hands Off Tippex - MEC Warns Balaka By-election Supervisors

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has urged center supervisors in Balaka Liwawadzi ward not to use tippex or any correction fluid in March 5th by-election to ensure credible results.

Balaka District Council Staff In Town Clean-Up

Balaka district council has set aside a day in each month when employees and willing residents will be cleaning the town as one way of ensuring cleanliness.

Hunger Stricken Machinga Families Call for Assistance

Some hunger stricken families in Machinga have called for more food support saying the hunger situation is now going out of hand as some people are reportedly fainting of hunger in the area.

Vendors Abandon Posts Around Mzuzu Market

Vendors selling wares in shops and benches located outside the Mzuzu main market have abandoned their spots and are accusing the city council’s failure to manage garbage as it continues to pile up in public posing a health threat.

More Witnesses Testify in Chamthunya Case

Two more witnesses, an immigration officer and a customs clearing agent, on Thursday testified in court in Zomba in a case which Misozi Chamthunya is suspected to have killed his girlfriend Linda Gasa in 2010.

Chiefs Defend Lundu on Ngabu Firing

A group calling itself concerned chiefs and people of Chikwawa have refuted allegations made by the deposed Traditional Authority Ngabu that removal from his throne was orchestrated by Paramount Chief Lundu.

Teacher Beats Learner Severely

Despite the abolition of corporal punishment in schools, it has been established that some teachers still administer such punishments to learners.

MABCATA Introduces Construction Tech Course

Amid growing concerns of poor implementation of substandard development projects in the country’s councils, Malawi Building and Civil Allied Traders Association (MABCATA) and National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) have introduced a training course to equip local contractors with skills.

State Testifies Against Chanthunya

The state is today (Thursday) proceeding to parade witnesses in a murder case in which Misonzi Chamthunya is suspected to have killed his girlfriend Linda Gasa in August 2010.

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