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GLOHOMO Tips District Councils on Human Trafficking

The Global Hope Mobilization (GLOHOMO) has challenged district councils to include human trafficking activities in the district development plans (DDP) and Social Economic Profile (SEP) to easily secure funding to counter the vice.

GLOHOMO to Work with Pro Bono Lawyers

Globe Hope Mobilization (GLOHOMO) says it will work with pro bono lawyers to help human trafficking survivors in a bid to ensure that they have legal representation in court.

GLOHOMO Supports Thyolo Social Protection Workers

Global Hope Mobilization (GLOHOMO) has donated 17 motorcycles and 230 pushbikes worth K100 million to social protection volunteers in Thyolo district.

GLOHOMO Takes COVID-19 Response to Mwanza

Global Hope Mobilization (GLOHOMO) has donated COVID-19 preventive items and trained officers at Mwanza District Health Office and Mwanza border.

GLOHOMO Trains Frontline Workers

Global Hope Mobilization Organization (GLOHOMO), with support from Swiss Development Cooperation, has trained frontline health workers in COVID-19 Critical Management.

GLOHOMO Partners Mikozi to Fight COVID-19

The Global Hope Mobilization Organization (GLOHOMO) has entered into partnership with Mikozi Network in an attempt to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

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