Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Future of Neno Tarmac Road Still in the Dark

People of Neno district have expressed dismay at the delay by the Roads Authority to identify a new contractor for the 20 kilometer stretch which has delayed to commence following cancelation of a contract the Roads Authority awarded to China Geo Engineering Corporation three years ago.

Government Terminates Contract of China Geo on Neno Road

People of Neno district have to wait a little longer to enjoy a tarmac road as government has terminated the contract of China Geo Engineering Company which was constructing the 20 kilometer Neno road at the request of the contractor.

Neno Road to Delay Further

The minister of transport and public works Jacob Hara says the Tsangano, Neno, Mwanza road construction project is delaying to take shape because "the contractor seriously underquoted" and a remedy to this requires a price adjustment subject to approval by the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assents Authority.

Poor Neno Road Affects Service Delivery

A truck carrying some goods destined for Neno Boma on Monday blocked the road at Asumi, preventing vehicles such as ambulances from entering and leaving the district which has had no tarmac road since time immemorial.

Bad Road Forces Vice President to Shift Meeting

People of Neno district through their council chairperson, Jeseph Chiphaliwali and Traditional Authority Mlauli have experienced disappointment with the vice president’s decision to hold the districts' reform meetings in the neighboring Mwanza district owing to bad road condition.

Neno People Ask Govt for Tarmac Road

People of Neno district have asked government to consider constructing them a standard tarmac road, saying the current one is a threat to both people's lives and agricultural activities.

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