Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

USADF Grants K120 Million to Nchena Cooporative in Neno

The United States Africa Development Foundation (USADF) has given an agribusiness grant of K120 million to Nchena Livestock Corporative Limited in a bid to improve their income and healthy, especially in people with Non- Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Neno.

USADF Grants MK119 Million to Luwani Corporative

The United States Africa Development Foundation through Umodzi Consulting have signed a K119 million grant to Luwani Producers and Marketing Corporative Limited in Neno district in a bid to improve the livelihood of rural people including those with Non-Communicable Diseases.

USADF Grants MK93 Million to Mlindi Cooperative in Neno

The United States African Development Foundation (USADF) has granted MK 93 million to Mlindi Cooperative of Neno district for value addition to its Pigeon peas (Nandolo) farming.

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