Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Neno Police Houses Take Shape

The ministry of Lands says it is optimistic that Neno police officers will occupy the 10 houses by December this year that the ministry is building for security agencies in the ambitious ten thousand security agencies houses project across the country.

Ministry Accused of Selling MHC Plot

Minister of lands, Kezzie Msukwa, says will look into circumstances surrounding an alleged dubious sale of land by the ministry to a businessperson in Limbe in 2016.

UDF Annoyed With Naming of Atupele in Land Scam

The opposition United Democratic Front-UDF- has reacted angrily to assertions that it’s President Atupele Muluzi approved allocation of Livimbo school land to a businessman, an issue that has now sparked controversy.

UDF Reacts to Naming Atupele in Land Misallocations

The opposition United Democratic Front-UDF- has reacted angrily to assertions that it’s President Atupele Muluzi approved allocation of Livimbo school land to a businessman, an issue that has now sparked controversy.

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