Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

4 Arrested over Limbe Fracas

Police in Limbe – Blantyre have arrested four people in connection to the tense fracas that erupted in the business hub on Tuesday between authorities and informal traders.

The Plight of Street Vendors: Economic Survival Versus the Law and Costs

Street vending is a myriad of implications lamped in one basket. It is an attempt at economic survival for most less privileged. Street vending is also a problem when it comes to sanitation and hygiene. Cleaning cities is difficult. It is also a loss of revenue in daily market fees for district or city councils.

BCC to Remove Vendors in Selected Location Streets

Blantyre City Council (BCC) has taken to selected locations its campaign of removing street vendors in the city.

Limbe Vendors Relocated; Bemoan Space Condition

The Blantyre City Council has relocated vendors who were plying trade in the streets of Limbe.

BCC Removes Street Vendors

In the wee hours of Tuesday, Blantyre City Council effected its plan of demolishing shacks of some vendors in the city after warning them to voluntarily move out of the streets.

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