Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Synod of Livingstonia Bans Congregants From Traveling to Zambia

The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia has banned its local congregants from traveling to Zambia for church activities amid rising cases of Cholera in that country which has claimed the lives of more than 400 people in a space of three months.

Stakeholders Demand More Action in PFM Law Enforcement

Stakeholders have decried alleged lack of seriousness on enforcement of Public Finance Management law in the country.

Neno CSOs Petition Council

The Neno Civil Society Organizations Network has handed their work grievances to the Neno District Council in a bid to create a good working environment between the two and advance government development agendas.

Deforestation Recipe For Adverse Impact of Climate Change- NKhata-Bay DC

NKhata-Bay district commissioner, Rodgers Newa says 3% of trees in the district are being destroyed every year resulting to adverse impact of climate change affecting livelihoods, a situation which needs a collaborative effort to safeguard and restore them.

Govt Restocking Fish in Small Water Bodies

Government has identified more than one hundred ponds and dams which will be restocked with fish in a move that will see Malawi starting to export the commodity.

Mai Wazaka 23 Akuthawa Mwana Onyentchera ku Neno

Mkulu wa ofesi ya chisamaliro cha anthu m'boma la Neno a Paul Sosono wachenjeza makolo omwe amathawa udindo wawo kuti adzalandira chilango chokhwima kutsatira zomwe mai wina wazaka 23 akuchita pomathawa mwana wake wazaka zisanu yemwe tsopano wanyetchera.

200 Bags of Maize Stolen in Thyolo Fracas

Police and Thyolo district council say angry villagers scrambled for 200 bags of maize following a fracas at Khonjeni distribution center last evening.

Students Commend OXFAM for Education Support

A 14-year-old girl, Justina Green, a form two student at Chiringa Community Day Secondary School in Phalombe district, faced challenges in improving her academic performance.

Man Sentenced 9 Years IHL for Defilement

The Phalombe First Grade Magistrate’s court has sentenced, Chikapa Singano, 26, to nine years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling a minor.

HRCC Applauds MPS on Arrest of Presidential Convoy Suspected Obstructors

The Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) has commended the Malawi Police Service for the arrest of some people who are being suspected of being behind the obstruction of the presidential convoy week.

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