Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Misuku, Nthalire Communities Cry Foul Over Allocation of Development Projects

During the 2019/2020 financial year, the government has allocated close to K1 billion covering all sectors in Chitipa, with K145 million going towards the implementation of development projects under District Development Fund basket.

MESIP to Empower Community Monitors

Amid reports of abuse of school grants in most primary schools across the country, government says it is equipping communities with monitoring skills in schools’ projects through Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP).

Gomani V for Infrastructure Development in Schools

Inkosi ya Makhosi Gomani V has called on stakeholders in education sector to start focusing much on infrastructure development to encourage more girls remain in school.

Police Arrest Health Worker for Theft

Police in Phalombe have arrested a 40 year old Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) on suspicion that he stole hospital furniture, mattress and other items.

Diarrhea Hits Phalombe TTC

Classes were disrupted at Phalombe Teacher Training College on Friday after over 70 students opened bowels for eating stale beef.

DSWO Accused of Delaying Probation Reports

The District Social Welfare Office (DSWO) in Mulanje has been accused of delaying to submit probation reports on children who cross paths with the law.

Thyolo Secondary School Closed Indefinitely

Following violent incident that left several structures razed down by irate students on Wednesday night, the ministry of education has closed the school indefinitely.

Mutharika Urged to Engage the Opposition

The Anglican Bishop has asked President Peter Mutharika to demonstrate a fatherly role by genuinely engaging opposition leaders in order to end the current political impasse.

Chief Asks Media to be Responsible

Written by Christopher Sande

Concerned by the political standoff in the country, Senior Chief Malemia of Nsanje has asked media houses to promote peace and co-existence among different tribes so that communities can live in unity.

He said on Wednesday when minister of information toured Nyanthepa and Gaka community radio stations in the district that the stations have been so instrumental in promoting peace and development.

“As a country, we have never seen war, so let us avoid this hate and preach togetherness,” he said.

Information minister, Mark Botomani, said community radios are crucial in sensitizing and promoting development be it on education, health, agriculture and disaster preparedness.

He then urged community radio stations in Malawi spearhead cultural diversity and promote tolerance among people of different tribes.

Director of Gaka FM, Mr. Gizex Gizai, told the minister that despite lack of computers, reliable mode of transport, inadequate training to workers and others, they are trying their best to promote good practices and encouraging people to take part in development.

Chief Chimombo Installation Sparks Controversies

One of the aggrieved royal family members of the Chimombo chieftaincy in Nsanje has accused authorities of going ahead to install Harrison Chimombo on the position of Traditional Authority despite being served with a court injunction.

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