Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Salima Sugar Company Covid-19 Whistle Blowers Fired

Salima Sugar Company has fired two of its employees over allegations that they had made public wrong information about covid-19 preventive measures being followed at the institution in April and May this year.

MANEPO Reminds Government of Elderly Pension Scheme

Among the Tonse Alliance manifesto is the alleviation of poverty among older persons through the introduction of elderly pension scheme.

EX MASM Boss Asks for More Time to Prepare Defense

Lawyer for Andrew Ngomwa, Fostino Maere, told the court that he will meet and interview witnesses of his client this Friday in preparation for defense.

Religious Leaders Urged to Halt Traditional Birth Attendants

Presidential advisor on safe motherhood, Dorothy Ngoma, has implored religious leaders to halt traditional birth attendants from administering deliveries of pregnant mothers.

Phalombe DHO Worried with Attack on Health Workers

Health authorities in Phalombe have challenged communities to desist from attacking health workers administering the ongoing cervical cancer vaccine.

Ministry of Health Plans Massive Catch-up Polio Vaccine

The Ministry of Health has plans in place for a rollout of a massive catch-up injectible polio vaccine between 12 and 16 of this month.

The “No Name Campaign”: A Game-Changer In Ensuring All African Children Acquire Legal Identity

In June 2020, the African Union and UNICEF launched the No Name Campaign, an initiative aimed at promoting the right for every child in Africa to a legal identity, and therefore to justice. With barely half of the children under 5 years living on the continent registered at birth, thereby denying millions of others the ability to enjoy their human rights, the No Name Campaign calls on Governments and relevant stakeholders to accelerate measures that have proven efficient to provide children with a legal identity.

Maoni Primary School in Mulanje Remains Closed

Maoni Primary School in Mulanje has remained closed for over a month after some irate parents beat up three teachers there on accusations that they were practicing Satanism.

COVID 19 Urban Cash Transfer Beneficiaries Yet to Benefit

Some shortlisted beneficiaries of the Covid-19 Urban Cash Transfer Intervention (CUCI) are yet to receive their three-month cash though the project ended two months ago.

Only Four Companies Licensed to Produce Sustainable Charcoal

The Department of Forestry says only four companies have been issued sustainable charcoal production licenses in the country as provided for in the Forestry Act of 1997.

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