Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet


Amid Covid-19 pandemic, where washing hands with soap is necessary, Kids and Future Foundation, with funding from Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), has donated

PAC Backs Govt to Roll Out AstraZeneca Vaccine

The Public Affairs Committee PAC has backed the Government on plans to roll out the Covid-19 vaccine and warned to reprimand in public all religious groups that will preach against the exercise.

Action Aid Targets Hunger Stricken Families in Neno

Action Aid Malawi (AAM) has announced it will bail out hunger-stricken families of Sub-Traditional Chikalema in Neno district who year in and year out fail to produce enough food due to fall armyworm and poverty.

Man, 30, Arrested For Allegedly Murdering His Daughter

A 30-year-old Kasungu man identified as Emmanuel Shawa is in the cooler for allegedly defiling and murdering his six-year-old biological daughter.

ACB Sitting on Ntcheu Council Petition

The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has come under fire for sitting on a petition by Ntcheu District Council who are pushing the bureau to probe some officers for alleged mismanagement of results in the recruitment process of health care workers last year in the district.

ADMARC Owe Grain Traders MK3BN

Some members of the Indigenous Grain Traders Association camped on Capitol Hill to force ministry of Agriculture to pay them for grain supplied to ADMARC in November-December last year.

COVID-19 Threatens HR at Mulanje DHO


Mulanje District Health Office says continued attack of health workers by COVID-19 is posing a threat to the sector’s human resources department.

DODMA Worried with Increasing Lightning Caused Deaths

The Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DODMA) has expressed worry with increasing number of lightning caused deaths as death toll due reaches 42 out of the 48 disaster related deaths this rainy season alone.

79-Year-Old Widow Dragged to Court Over Land

Emilida Chapendeka, 79, in 2014 agreed with his husband Slick Chapendeka (now deceased) to sell part of their land in Sosola village in Balaka district to meet some of their needs.

Mob Assaults Man to Death in Nsanje

An angry mob in Nsanje has assaulted a 45-year-old man to death on allegation that he battered his wife and his two step children.

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