Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Majete Cheetahs Hit Six

Two female cheetahs have been trans-located to Majete Wildlife Reserve in Chikwawa increasing the number of the endangered species to six.

Chapananga Bridge Fit - RA

As the Rehabilitation of Chapananga bridge is in progress, the Roads Authority has insisted that the actual structure of the bridge is fit and sound.

Protection of Child Rights Need More Effort - Stakeholders

As the world commemorates International Human Rights Day, local players in children affairs are of the view that more efforts need to be employed to ensure children are enjoying their rights. 

‘Don’t Send Innocent Bushiri to Wolves’ - Chiefs

Two senior chiefs have asked Malawi government not to extradite Prophet Shepherd Bushiri to South Africa.

Court Grants Bail to Former Minister of Lands Vuwa Kaunda

The Lilongwe Magistrate Court has granted former Minister of Lands Symon Vuwa Kaunda bail following his arrest on Tuesday on corruption allegations. 

AEAS Bemoans Limited Qualified Personnel in Agriculture Sector

Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services says there is a need for competent recruits to complement the existing qualified but limited personnel in the agriculture sector.

LL City Council Seals ADL House & Part of BICC

The Lilongwe City Council has on Wednesday sealed the ADL House and part of Bingu International Convention Center in an effort to recover money that the two institutions owe the council.

Five Women, Others Fined for Importing Bags of Charcoal from Zambia

Mzimba Senior Resident Magistrate Court has ordered five women to pay a fine of 150,000 kwacha each for importing 180 bags of charcoal from Zambia into the country or face a jail term of up to 30 months in default. They have also been fined 100,000 kwacha each for being found in possession of the bags of charcoal illegally or serve 24 months in default. 

Chief Optimistic on Chapananga Bridge Rework

Senior Chief Chapananga of Chikwawa has indicated that the reconstruction which is underway on Chapananga bridge is a sign that the works were done in a haste manner.

Flood Survivors Get Health Post

Children of 355 flood survivors who relocated upland in Chikwawa will have an opportunity access quality health services thanks to Malawi Red Cross Society for constructing a modern Mwalija Health Post.

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