Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Maternity Wing Stays Idle for a Year in Neno

A modern maternity wing at Ligowe heath center in Neno district is staying idle for over a year now without being operational due to lack of equipment, a guardian shelter, maternity waiting room and a maternal surgical theatre.

MRA Head Optimistic the Tax Collecting Body Will Surpass K1.1 Trillion Target in Revenue

In his report to the committee, the Head of Malawi Revenue Authority said for five years running, MRA has been missing revenue targets set in the presentation of national budgets.

COVID-19 Still Around; Don't Relax - NICE Trust

The National Initiative for Civic Education- NICE Trust has cautioned Malawians to continue observing COVID-19 prevention measures saying the disease is not yet over despite the decline in the number of new infections. 

Councils’ Performance Challenged

It shows the county's local councils have a long way to go to improve service delivery if a latest performance report on their services, is anything to go by.

Men in Ck Flock to Mozambique for Survival

There are reports that hundreds of men in some villages under Chapananga in Chikwawa are flocking to Mozambique to seek alternatives for survival amid growing poverty levels.

Livingstonia Synod Introduces Mobile Court Circuits to Expedite Delivery of Justice

The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia's Educational Department has rolled out a series of mobile court circuits aimed at expediting delivery of justice in cases centering on violation of children's rights in Mzimba district.

Stunting Levels in Mzimba Still Hovering Around 31% - Survey

A baseline survey commissioned by the Department of Nutrition HIV and Aids on the Afikepo project has shown that Mzimba district is still struggling to end malnutrition as over 31% of under five children are stunted.

MAGGA Feeds ADCs with Child Marriage Study Findings

The Malawi Girl Guides Association (MAGGA) has disseminated findings of a survey conducted to establish number of girls that have been impregnated or got married in Mulanje during the COVID-19 school holiday to all Area Development Committees in the district.

RFP Ministry Holds Young Champs Conference

RFP Ministries has organized a Young Champions Conference on Saturday in Blantyre.

Escape From Schools' Lockdown Teen Marriages

She never realized what she would like to be when she grows up until the day her dad went with her to the bank.

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