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Eleven People Arrested for Buying Fuel in Jerrycans

By Henderson Charles Msusa

At least eleven people have been arrested for allegedly buying fuel using jerrrycans in Dowa District.

Dowa Police Spokesperson Alice Sitima says people were arrested Saturday August 13, 2023 during a special operation which the law enforcement officers conducted at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in the district.

"During the operation we also managed to confiscate about 70 liters of fuel and 30 empty jerrycans," she said.

Sitima says the suspect, who are of ages between 20 and 47, will appear in court soon.

Recently, Kamuzu Central Hospital complained of increased cases of fire accidents, a development it said is putting a stain on limited resources.

In under two weeks, five have died while three others are nursing injuries, this according to a statement by the hospital.

Government Moves 15 Senior Agriculture Officers

Government has ring changes in some district council's agriculture department moving about 15 senior officers.

In the transfer instruction Zodiak has seen, directors, principals and chief agriculture officers have been moved to other districts.

Local Government Service Commission executive secretary, Berlings Kumpata says there is nothing unusual with the transfers.

"These are just normal transfers in the government," he said.

The transfer of Thyolo Chief Agriculture Officer, Mirriam Kumwenda Ndhlovu has coincide with protests which some agriculture staff made, requesting her immediate transfer over alleged maladministration.

A social and political commentator Victor Chipofya hopes government has followed procedures.

"If procedures in the labour Act were followed, then government is justified. I hope there is no political play, that someone wants to score a political mileage," he said.

Last week, government also transferred some chief and principal environmental health officers in some district councils, including for Thyolo.


Six-Year-Old Boy Dies in a Road Accident

A 6-year-old boy identified as Shadreck Robert was killed in a road accident yesterday morning.

Mulanje Police Spokesperson Sergeant Innocent Moses told Zodiak Online that the boy was hit by a vehicle driven by Alex Mangoni, at Chitakale Tea Plantation in the district, along the Limbe-Muloza road.

"Mangoni was driving a Toyota Ractis registration number NN 6103 from the direction of Muloza heading Chitakale, with five passengers on board and upon arrival at Chitakale Tea Plantation he hit the boy who was crossing the road,' said Moses.

He said Robert sustained multiple head injuries, and fractured ribs on the right side and was rushed to Mulanje District Hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

"We have arrested the driver and charged him," added Moses.

The driver and the passengers in the vehicle were not hurt. The boy hailed from Mangani Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chikumbu in Mulanje District.


Luchenza Bottle Stores, Liquor Shops Operating Without Licenses

It has emerged that a number of bottle stores and liquor shops in Luchenza municipality in Thyolo have been operating without licenses.

The traders attribute this to delays by council authorities to issue the licenses.

Chairperson of Luchenza station executive committee, Philip Nyoni, says for the past four months no license renewals have been taking place, and the committee engaged the municipal council and it attributed this to funding challenges.

"Everyone is now selling beer. Police cannot make arrests because the council itself is to blame," he said.

Speaking to Zodiak Online yesterday, the council's mayor Syze Simeji disputed the assertions, saying it is only a few liquor sellers that are yet to get the licenses.

"Many liquor shops in Luchenza have licenses and if there are some without licenses they are doing this against the law. We have delayed issuing the licences because of some logistical issues," Simeji said.

According to the liquor act, annually, the district and city or municipal councils in the country are required to assess and approve liquor shops and bottle stores before issuing new licenses.


Eight More Suspects Netted Over Chapananga Fracas

  • Police in Chikwawa have arrested eight more people for allegedly setting ablaze Chapananga Police Unit and stealing property belonging to police officers stationed at the facility.

    District police publicist, Sergeant Dickson Matemba told Zodiak last night that the eight suspects were apprehended during a joint operation conducted by Chikwawa Police and Mitole PMS Officers on the night of August 12th and 13th, 2023.

    This brings the total number of netted suspects to 10, as two were arrested on the same day of the incident.

    The arrested individuals have been identified as Yesaya Chipangula (20) and David Andrea (22) from Galonga Village, Tafuleni Yonasi (20), Malita Ephraim (49), Ephraim Halmiton (68), and Winnie Majonanga (20) from Mafazika Village, Maria Kelias (18) from Gagatambo Village, and Baziwel Matete (18) from Phwazi Village.

    They all hail from Traditional Authority Chapananga in Chikwawa District.

    Matemba said the suspects are expected to face charges of arson, malicious damage, and theft in court soon.

    Meanwhile, investigations are still underway to arrest additional individuals involved and the police are assuring the community that everyone connected to the incident will be held accountable.

    Chapananga Police Unit was set ablaze on July 25th, 2023, by irate community members seeking retribution for a murder suspect who was in custody.

    The police unit was shut down immediately after the incident, and all the six police officers were transferred to Chikwawa police station after the angry mob ransacked their houses.


Man Commits Suicide in Chiradzulu Over K50, 000 Loan

A 20-year-old man has taken his own life in Chiradzulu after his sister allegedly failed to give him back his K50 thousand she owed him.

7, 000 People in Mulanje are Blind - Survey

A recent survey conducted by Mulanje Mission Hospital has revealed that about 7, 000 people in Mulanje district are blind. This is over one percent of the district’s population.

Maseko Ngonis Visit Nanchidwa Freddy Survivors

The Maseko Ngoni Mulanje Chapter on Thursday cheered survivors of the Tropical Cyclone Freddy that are seeking shelter at Nanchidwa camp in Mulanje district.

Child Labour Worries Children in Machinga

Children in Machinga have expressed concern with increased child labour in rice fields in the district.

Wapolisi wavulala, kulandidwa mfuti ku Kasungu

Wa polisi m'modzi wavulala pa chiphwilikiti chomwe chinabuka pa mudzi wa  Ganthu  kwa mfumu Kayesa mdera la mfumu Lukwa ku Kasungu usiku walachinayi.

Anthu a mmudziwo akuti analanda mfuti pa chipolowecho, chomwe akuti chinadza kaamba koti munthu wina akufuna kuti awasamutse pa mudzipo kuti atsekulepo munda.

Mfumu Kayesa yati anthuwa anakwiya ndi kubwera kwa apolisi pa mudzipo, pa nkhani yomwe akuona kuti akuphwanyilidwa ufulu wawo.

"Mudzi wa Ganthu udayamba mchaka cha 1932, koma m’modzi mwa akubanja la chifumu akufuna abale ake , asuweni asamuke kuti azilimapo zomwe mzolakwika," inatero mfumuyi.

Koma mneneri wa apolisi ku Kasungu a Josephy Kachikho wati nthambi ya za nkhalango inakatenga apolisiwo kuti akathandize kulanda makala ndipo ndi komwe chiphwilikiticho chinabuka.

Iwo atsimikiza za kuvalazidwa kwa wapolisiyo, ndipo anati apolisi akufufuza kuti adziwe msonga yeniyeni ya nkhaniyi.

"Ofesi ya za nkhalango inatifunsa kuti akufuna asilikali kuti akalande makala. Ngati anthuwo akuti ndi nkhani ya malo ndiye kuti tifufuza," atero a Kachikho.

Wapolisi yemwe wavulalazidwa ali mchipatala cha Kasungu ndipo mfuti yomwe anthuwo analanda yapezeka.

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