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Road Accident Kills Police Officer

A police officer has died after a car he was traveling in was involved in an accident in Limbe - Blantyre on Tuesday.

Alliances React to Survey Suggesting Chakwera Victory in Fresh Election

Alliances React to IPOR Election Outcome Projecting a Chakwera Victory

With only days to go before the court-sanctioned fresh presidential election, two major contenders to the race MCP-UTM, TONSE Alliance and Democratic Progressive Party DPP and United Democratic Front DPP-UDF have reacted differently to the poll projections by the Institute of Public Opinion and Research (IPOR) which suggest that Dr. Lazarus Chakwera will be the next president of Malawi.

IPOR among other objectives, assessed the public mood ahead of the fresh presidential poll slated for June, 23rd 2020 and how the Malawian electorate intends to cast their ballot.

The findings suggest, 51.33 percent of the respondents will vote for TONSE Alliance torch bearer Lazarus Chakwera and Saulos Klause Chilima, while 33 percent of the respondents said they will go for the president Peter Mutharika and running mate Atupele Muluzi of the Democratic Alliance of DPP-UDF.

Despite being pessimistic to the findings, Director of Elections for the DPP-UDF alliance Ben Phiri told Zodiak Media, they will draw lessons from the findings.

"We don’t want to fault the organization, because we believe that they are professionals and they know what they are doing. Every research has its own methodology, I do not have the scope which they used, and it is very difficult for us to either credit or discredit it. Regardless, we will do the right thing by looking at the positivity and negativity of it for the good of our party," said Phiri.

On the other hand, Malawi Congress Party MCP publicity secretary Maurice Munthali said the findings are true reflections on what’s on the ground, but the TONSE Alliance will not be complacent.

"Everybody knows that as a country we are going through untold agonies, suffering of the people is unprecedented and indicators of this research is a true reflection of where Malawi is today and going. We welcome the findings and this is an encouragement on our part, though we do not want to be complacent we have a battle to fight and we will fight on until what Malawians want is ushered upon them," said Munthali.

10 percent of the respondents to the research were undecided while 0.003 percent gave chance to little known, Peter Driver Sinosi Kuwani of Mbakuwaku Movement for development MMD.

Civilians Outnumber Lawyers in Lawyers' Protest

Malawian lawyers, civil rights activists, politicians and other stakeholders have taken to the street in a ‘hands-off-the-judiciary’ demonstration against the executive arm of government meddling in the operational and administrative affairs of the justice delivery system. But it turned out that solidarity numbers were more.

Tonse Alliance Followers Injured In Separate Road Accidents

Four followers of the Tonse Alliance were yesterday injured in two separate road accidents in Mchinji district.

Workers Threaten to Release COVID-19 Clients

Frontline workers at Kamuzu College of Nursing COVID-19 isolation center in Blantyre have stopped attending to clients to force authorities pay them outstanding allowances.

Ndisakanizeni’ on the go in Neno

The World Bank has pumped in $60 million towards improving nutritional status of under five children in Neno district under Investing in Early Years Project.

Campaign Heat Smokes Mutharika Out Of State House

Six days to polling in the court-sanctioned fresh presidential election, President Peter Mutharika is today starting off on a campaign tour of the central and Northern region.

Three Confirmed Covid-19 Cases at Dzaleka Refugee Camp

The UNHCR has announced the first confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the country’s largest refugee camp, Dzaleka Refugee Camp, in Dowa, a district with a total of five known cases since Sunday June 15.

Govt Adamant: “Chief Justice Nyirenda Has to Go”

Despite widespread condemnation against usurping powers of the judiciary, government is adamant insisting that the executive was justified since Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda has accumulated 572 leave days hence should proceed on leave pending his retirement.

Rights Body Endorses, to Join Lawyers’ Demonstrations

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition-HRDC-says it fully supports the decision by lawyers to take to the streets in demonstrations against attempts by the executive to capture the judiciary.

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