Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Chikwawa Traditional Leader Sounds SoS on Food Situation


In Chikwawa district, where people have not been spared the whip of hunger this season, traditional leaders are reporting situations beckoning rapid response.

Chitipa Communities Put Foot Down Against MRA Presence


Communities in Chitipa have vowed not to allow MRA staff return to Mbirima Border Post to resume tax collection until their demand on upgrading of Chitipa/Mbirima road is fulfilled.

“Use of Tippex Prohibited” says MEC Commissioner Mathanga

A commissioner of the Malawi Electoral Commission MEC says use of correction fluid "tippex" will not be allowed in management of results in Lilongwe South Constituency by-elections, scheduled for Thursday next week.

Muluzi Calls On Chakwera in Lilongwe- “He Reached Out”

United Democratic Front-UDF-President, Atupele Muluzi, met his Malawi Congress Party counterpart, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, on Thursday and in an interview Friday, Muluzi was all praises for Chakwera’s leadership for “reaching out”.

MCP's Chakwera Urges Supporters to Respect Court Verdict

Malawi Congress Party President Lazarus Chakwera has urged his supporters to accept the ruling of the Constitutional Court in which he is a co-challenger of the May poll results.

Off-Campus Students at Higher Risk of Rape - NGOGCN

NGO-Gender Coordination Network (NGO-GCN) has bemoaned poor accommodation in the country’s institutions of higher learning, saying it is exposing more young girls to rape.

Zodiak Promises Continued Professionalism

Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) has vowed to continue serving its audience with professional content that has no any political connotation.

Teachers’ Nation-Wide Strike Suspended

The two-week long nation-wide strike by teachers who were pushing, in solidarity, for payment of December 2019 salaries for some 7,000 teachers who were struck out of the government pay roll for non-production of the national identity card.

Education Ministry Ponders on Future of 'Effective' School Feeding Program

The school feeding program, where children access porridge before classes in some schools in Malawi, has proven effective in encouraging children to attend school. But it is a donor-funded program whose future is bleak when the donors withdraw.

State Capture in Malawi: Youth And Society

The Youth and Society-YAS-says recent events in Malawi are a critical pointer to evidence of state capture and call for speedy action to save the country.

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