Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Africa Youth for Inclusion in Decision Making

Some Africa young people have challenged authorities in their countries to start engaging the youth at all stages of decision making if efforts to deal with social economic challenges facing most African countries are to yield expected results.

Ward Councilor Under Probe for Alleged Defilement

Police in Mulanje are investigating reports that a ward councilor in the district may have been defiling and impregnated a 14-year-old girl.

Man In for Murder Allegation

Police in Phalombe have arrested a 31 year-old-man, Dyton Malinga, for allegedly killing a 22 year-old-man, Chimwemwe Chimberenga, of Nampinga Village, Senior Chief Kaduya in Phalombe on suspicion that he stole a bicycle.

ACB Blasts Judiciary on Mpinganjira Release

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has taken a swipe at the Judiciary arm of government for the release of banker, Dr. Thom Mpinganjira, in the alleged judge shopping case.

Child Rights Organisation Calls for Swift Action on Teachers' Salary Saga

Child rights activist, Jennifer Mkandawire, has asked government to immediately pay teachers’ December salaries to quell the violent demonstrations which learners are mounting in some districts in the country in protest that they are not learning.

First of Two 'Judge Bribery' Suspects Arrested: FDH CEO Mpinganjira

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested Dr. Thomson Mpinganjira, Chief Executive Officer for FDH bank in connection with allegations that some people tried to bribe the five Constitutional Court judges trying the presidential election case.

Quota Vital to Achieving 50-50 Representation in Malawi - Mzimba women

Women who aspired as councilors in the last polls say unless the country adopts a quota system of putting women in decision making positions the 50-50 campaign will remain a far-fetched dream.

Nation- wide Teachers' Sit-in Turns Nasty As Angry Learners Take to The Streets

The nation-wide sit-in by teachers has entered day three with now reported cases of leaners’ public protests and riots in reaction to the fact that they are missing classes.

ConCourt Says Election Case Verdict Out Between January 27th And February 3rd

Registrar of the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal in Malawi, Agnes Patemba, says the verdict which constitutional court judges are currently putting together on the presidential election case will be out between January 27th and February 3rd.

Falling Walls Kill a Child, Injure 3 People in Nsanje

A girl child has been killed and three others seriously injured in Nsanje after walls of the houses they were living in fell on them.

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