Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

By-laws Fail to Protect Children from Child Trafficking

A senior chief in Phalombe whose area of jurisdiction shares boundary with Mozambique says she is banking her hope on initiatives that can help to curb child trafficking after enforcement of by-laws seem to hit a snag.

EGENCO, Escom: Who is Fooling Who?

Only hours after Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) said power generation had improved following recent rains the country, Escom says is receiving inadequate electricity due to generation hiccups.

Area 49 SDA Church Dorcas Fete Orphaned Children

Women of Area 49 Seventh day Adventist Church in Lilongwe on Sunday gave orphaned children from the area an early festive party when they hosted them for lunch.

EGENCO Improves Power Generation

Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) says power generation has improved following the rains the country is receiving that have improved water levels in Shire River.

Prof. Ncozana Preaches Peace

One of pioneers who were in the vanguard of formation of the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) in 1992, Professor Silas Ncozana, has called on leaders to tame dialogue over violence.

Expert Tips Govt on New Custom Excise Policy

An economic analyst Chiku Kalilombe has tipped the Malawi Revenue Authority to place leverage on the new custom and excise policy, saying it should be used with the right intentions as some are likely to boost the tourism industry.

Mulanje Mob Turns Nasty

There were nasty scenes on Monday morning when angry mob descended on two men suspected to have had a hand on the death of Mr. Rodrick Gomiwa on Sunday evening.

Rose Chibambo Book Launched

A book that chronicles the life of one of the country’s post independent freedom fighters has been launched in Lilongwe Monday.

ConCourt Blows K240m and Counting

The Constitutional Court handling the presidential election case says it has, so far, used up about 240 million Kwacha of taxpayers’ money since July and that figure is going up.

MLS Calls for Electoral System Change

Malawi Law Society (MLS) has called on politicians to reflect on recalling and passing the 50 + 1 electoral reform bill in respect of how future elections will be conducted.

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