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Evangelist Attacks Greed Among Preachers

In her sermon on Saturday in Mulanje when she hosted the elderly, people with disabilities, orphans and other vulnerable people to a luncheon, evangelist Linley Mbeta said the clergy are using the pulpits for wealth accumulation by demanding offerings instead of preaching the gospel of salvation.

Zodiak Rewards Outstanding Female Students

Zodiak Broadcasting Station has rewarded outstanding girls in the 2019 MSCE examinations under the media house’s flagship Best Girl Award initiative at an event that took place in Kasungu.

Inkosikhazi Gomani, who was guest of honor at the event, hailed Zodiak for the initiative whose aim is to promote girls’ education in the country.

The four awardees, Chimwemwe Mphamba, Ruth Bizeck, Callina Mbale and Debora Sichone were awarded at this year's Zodiak Annual Girl Child awards at a ceremony held at Loyola Jesuits Secondary School in Kasungu Friday.

Zodiak Managing Director Gospel Kazako challenged girls that they can be anything they want in the future.

"Women continue to be oppressed in society due to low education levels, but education is the key to empowering more women in decision-making positions," he said.

Kazako also observed that time is now for the country to go beyond rhetoric but demonstrate effort to promote girls’ education and women empowerment.

"The gap between men and women remains big because those in authority are not turning their rhetoric into practice. Education is the tool to turn the tables upside down.”

Inkosikati Gomani, wife to Inkosi ya Makosi Gomani of Ntcheu, urged the girls to remain focused to achieve their dreams.

She said in the world young girls are facing so many challenges, urging the awardees to utilize the opportunity they have to be in school to change their future.

"Girls can! Don't look down on yourself. Aim high. It’s achievable," she said.

The awardees have gone away with cash prices, hampers, and certificates among others.

Two of the awardees are from Loyola Jesuits Secondary school, a development that attracted Zodiak to conduct the function at the institution.

Loyola Jesuits Secondary school Parents Teacher Association also took advantage of the function to award teachers and support staff at the school for excellence.

Chairperson of the PTA Dr Augustine Magolowondo splashed K3.7 Million Kwacha cash prizes to the staff members for a 100% pass rate.

"We expect nothing but the best. Being on top of the ten best secondary schools this year isn't a mean achievement for a new school like this," he said.

Paesen Flies Out on ‘Holiday’

The European Ambassador to Malawi, Sandra Paesen, has flown out of the country on what she has called a “family holiday.”

Lightning Kills Man in Phalombe

A 29- year-old man   has died in Phalombe after being struck by lightning on Thursday. 

Parties Assure NGOs Advocating for Peace of Peace

Representatives of major political parties in Phalombe have assured organizations that are advocating for peace that they will ensure that their supporters abide by principles of peace as the citizenry awaits   court verdict on the elections case.

Armed Robbers Rob Meru Filling Station in ZA

Armed robbers have stolen money amounting to K5, 601, 000 at Meru Filling station near Mulunguzi Magistrate’s Court in Zomba on Wednesday.

World Bank Tips Government on Economics Growth

The World bank has tipped Malawi government to create a good relationship with the private sector as one way of enhancing the country’s economic growth.

MDGS 3 Review a Mixed Bag- MEJN

A review on the Malawi Growth Development Strategy 3 indicates that 90 percent of its total budget is going towards recurrent expenditure than flagship projects.

Police Conduct, Cause for Lost Trust

The meeting by various community stakeholders on security in Lilongwe Thursday agreed that lack of professionalism by some law enforcers has contributed to the lost trust on these men in uniform by the citizenry.

Members Protest Rev Gama’s Election as BT Synod GS

Divisions have emerged in the CCAP Blantyre Synod as some congregants say they will not remit their finances to the synod in protest to Reverend Dr. Billy Gama being the synod’s General Secretary (GS).

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