Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

82, 402 Children Drop Out of School in the South

There is a shocking revelation that 82, 402 children dropped out from school in the 2018/19 academic year in the southern region alone.

MERA Devises Electricity Installer Guidelines

The Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority has attributed continuing fire accidents in the country to unscrupulous and unlicensed electrical installers.

Japanese Ambassador Tips Malawi On Economic Growth

Outgoing Japanese ambassador to Malawi has tipped the country to focus much on finding ways of improving the country’s economy, other than politics.

Faulty Boat Halts Patrols On Lake Chilwa

Almost two weeks after the ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (MoAIWD) closed the fishing season in the country’s lakes, Zodiak understands that the only boat which the fisheries office in Phalombe uses developed a fault some months ago.

New Power Plant to Add 350 Megawatts

Government says will develop Mpatamanga Hydropower Project which is expected likely to add about 350 megawatts.

Mixed Views On FISP Progress in Zomba

There are mixed views on the way Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP) is progressing in Zomba district with some farmers complaining of exorbitant prices of the inputs in some markets.

Mary Navitcha Dodges Msundwe ‘Aftermath’

Gender minister, Mary Navicha, is avoiding public comment on allegations by alleged police-rape-victims from Msundwe in Lilongwe who claim rapists impregnated one and infected the other with a sexually transmitted infection-STI.

Orphanage Alert on Procurement Fraud, Corruption

SOS Children’s Village International a renowned charitable organization with its footprints in Malawi, has set a new pace in an attempt to counter fraud and corruption in its procurement system.

Prisoners Lament Decimal Effort in Ensuring Prisoners’ Rights

Prison inmates in the country say a lot needs to be done to ensure rights of prisoners are protected and upheld.

Mulanje Commemorates Mental Health Day

As the world is commemorating International Human Rights Day today, Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA) has called for care and protection of persons with mental illness.

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