Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

ECAMA, EU Take Student Debate to South

Economics Association of Malawi (ECAMA) and the European Union (EU) this week took the students debate to Blantyre where Polytechnic, Chancellor College, Blantyre International University and Catholic University battled it out.

MLS Speaks on Political Tension

Malawi Law Society (MLS) has penned leaders of political parties and other parties to act and take responsibility to end the ongoing political unrest in the country.

Early Planting Contains Fall Armyworm – Agriculturalist

An expert in agriculture, Tamani Nkhono Mvula, says early planting could help containing Fall Armyworms that have raised havoc in the country in recent years.

Man Convicted for Soliciting Funds

Balaka Magistrate’s Court has convicted Robert Mgundo for soliciting funds from the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Electrification Project Affected Persons.

FISP Commodities Scarce in Phalombe

Almost a week after government launched this year’s Farm Inputs Subsidy Program (FISP), some areas in Phalombe are yet to start buying the farm inputs forcing, people to walk long distances in pursuit of the inputs.

IOM Tips Malawi on Skilled Immigrants

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has suggested that capitalizing on skills by immigrants would help government save a lot of money spent on refugees.

Misuku, Nthalire Communities Cry Foul Over Allocation of Development Projects

During the 2019/2020 financial year, the government has allocated close to K1 billion covering all sectors in Chitipa, with K145 million going towards the implementation of development projects under District Development Fund basket.

MESIP to Empower Community Monitors

Amid reports of abuse of school grants in most primary schools across the country, government says it is equipping communities with monitoring skills in schools’ projects through Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP).

Gomani V for Infrastructure Development in Schools

Inkosi ya Makhosi Gomani V has called on stakeholders in education sector to start focusing much on infrastructure development to encourage more girls remain in school.

Police Arrest Health Worker for Theft

Police in Phalombe have arrested a 40 year old Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) on suspicion that he stole hospital furniture, mattress and other items.

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