Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Cyclone Freddy Aggravates Crime in Chiradzulu

Law enforcers in Chiradzulu have disclosed that the district has registered a sharp increase in crime rates between March and May 2023.

Let Us Join Hands in Reducing Carbon Gas Emissions

A carbon trade company-Carbon Quest Capital says unless emission of carbon is reduced through planting and conservation of trees and using energy saver stoves, poor countries like Malawi will continue experiencing effects of climate change like the recent Tropical Cyclone Freddy disaster.

Zimbabwe's Twenty Third Century Systems At Risk of Losing IFMIS Contract

Government is contemplating on terminating a contract with Twenty Third Century Systems, a company which has been implementing the new Integrated Financial Management Information System, Ifmis, on grounds of poor performance.

Lipipa Aspires Constituency to be Model

Parliamentarian for Blantyre City South Constituency, Noel Lipipa, has expressed desire for his constituency to be a model in as far as the prudent utilisation of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is concerned.

One Month No Dental Services at Neno DHO

Patients seeking dental services at Neno district hospital have gone for close to a month now without getting any service due to lack of Lignocaine and a dental clinician.

MANEB to Administer PSLCE exams in Ten Schools

The Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) says it has received six more applications to administer differed exams for standard 8 candidates whose examination fees were embezzled by their school authorities.

Borehole Rehabilitation Gives Hope for Cholera Fight in Machinga

The borehole rehabilitation project being undertaken by the Pacific Limited in Machinga has given hope of winning against the cholera epidemic fight in the district.

Govt Allocates K6 billion Towards Repairs to Tropical Cyclone Freddy Damaged Structures

Minister of Transport, Jacob Hara, has disclosed that the government has allocated K6 billion towards repairs to some Tropical Cyclone Freddy damaged roads and bridges.

RED Saves Young People from Jaws of Poverty

When life seemed to become meaningless among the young people in Zomba, the Resilient Economic Development (RED) project brought in some sense to it.

Authorities in Thyolo Reopen Nsuwazi Primary School 

Nsuwazi primary school in Thyolo has been reopened after the district council authorities intervened on the land dispute between the community members and the Seventh Day Adventist Church that led to its closure last week. 
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