Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Psychosocial Support Vital to Teen Mothers - REPSSI, YCWAM

The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) says consistent provision of psycho-social support to the majority of rural adolescent mothers can encourage them to have a deeper analysis of how to improve their lives.

Sanctuaries; Hope for Fish Restoration on Lake Malawi - Pact

Pact Malawi says creation of more fish sanctuaries on Lake Malawi can be the best way of restoring the fishery stocks in the lake which has dwindled over the years.

People on ART Plead for Privacy

People on Anti- retroviral Therapy (ART) around Phalombe Health Centre have bemoaned lack of privacy when accessing treatment at the facility.

Authorities Worried With Inadequate Classrooms in CZ

Delivery of quality education in Chiradzulu district is said to be greatly compromised due to inadequate classroom blocks, a development which has worried education authorities in the district.

Corroborative Efforts Key to End GBV

An international organization, Trocaire says ending gender-based violence-GBV among women and girls in Malawi and Africa is possible if corroborative efforts from all stakeholders are strengthened.

Pastor Mwasinga to Launch 8th Book

Renowned preacher and public speaker, Pastor Aubrey Mwasinga is set to launch a book on 8th April 2022.

DPP Appeals Against Dzimadzi’s Acquittal

The office of the Director of Public Prosecution -DPP has finally filed an appeal to the Zomba High Court against the lower court’s ruling in Ntcheu which last month acquitted Vincent Dzimadzi on charges of an act intended to cause grievous harm to a 14-year-old boy.

Neno SWO Hails World Bank for ECD Promotion

The Neno Social Welfare Office with funding from the World Bank has committed to construct fifteen Early Childhood Development Centres in the district in a bid to promote early education for underprivileged children in hard to reach areas.

Non-Youth Representation in CVSUs Chocking Youths

Lack of youth representation in Victim Support Unit (VSU) committees has been identified as a challenge blocking youths from reporting cases of abuses.

Chief Says Married Men Going to RSA Desert Families

Senior Chief Mphuka of Thyolo has suggested formulation of a legislation which would spell-out a duration a married man can live behind his wife and trekk to South Africa, as many are reportedly deserting responsibilities in the district.

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