Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Limbe-Sandama Railway Construction Face Vandalism

Construction of the Limbe-Sandama railway line is likely to incur additional costs due to increased vandalism of materials in Thyolo along Nansadi, Ndata farm, Makandi and seven villages in Luchenza.

CCFLS Beats Malnutrition

An initiative dubbed Community Complementary Feeding and Learning Session (CCFLS) which European Union funded AFIKEPO project undertook towards the end of last year in Mulanje district has been described as a success as participants testify to have eradicated malnutrition among their children.

Lack of skills Hindering Youths Lobby for Resources

A consortium of three youth focused organizations has observed that lack of knowledge and skills is hampering youths in the country to lobby for resource allocation at district level.

Neno Council Scores High in GESD

The local Authority Performance Assessment report has rated Neno district council with a score mark of 66 percent in performance against last year's 44 percent, thanks to coordination between the council and civil society organizations.

Press Trust Launches Ntaja Health Center Upgrade Project

Press Trust has on Wednesday handed Phiri Building Contractors the first phase of a K500 million project aimed to upgrade Ntaja Health Center in Machinga to be a Community Rural Hospital.

Explosive Device Kills Machinga Boy

A 17-year-old boy has died after an explosive device exploded in his hands on Tuesday along Chikala Hill in Machinga close to a Malawi Defense Force motor firing camp where he went to burn charcoal with his friends.

IBAM Commends Govt on Police Uniform Procurement

Indigenous Business Association of Malawi (IBAM) President Mike Mlombwa has hailed government for the plan to be procuring Police uniform locally, describing it as a positive step in promoting indigenous businesses.

PS Concedes Flaws in Environmental Management

The Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change, Yanira Mtupanyama, says more action is required on environmental management if the country is to make headway in mitigating disaster effects.

Ministry to Provide Tents to Heavily Affected Schools

The ministry of education says preparation for the opening of second term school calendar is at an advanced stage as they have been sourcing assistance from its stakeholders to deal with effects of Tropical storm Ana and Cyclone Gombe that have destroyed several school structures in the past weeks.

47 Irrigation Schemes, Dairy Farming in Child Labor in Thyolo

Stakeholders have been urged to sensitize farmers in Thyolo who use children to irrigate their crops at night in 47 irrigation schemes in the area of Senior chief Mphuka.

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