Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

NASFAM Accords Farmers Choice of Best Crops from Trial Sites

National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi (NASFAM) has urged farmers in Balaka to make use of the trial fields to choose best crops suitable for their areas amid climate change challenges affecting many of them.

Community Pens Authorities on Climate Change

People of Sub Traditional Authority Matola in northern part of Balaka district have petitioned duty bearers to intervene on challenges they are facing due to climate change.

Delays to Open Likoma Constituency College Angers Young Islanders

Young people on Likoma Island will wait a little longer to start acquiring technical skills  as the districts’ Water Users Association is delaying to connect piped water to the just constructed Constituency Technical College in the district. 

K75 Billion World Bank Grant to Improve Service Delivery in Councils

Services delivery in the country's councils stand to improve following a $100 million World Bank grant for a governance to enable service delivery project  that will help in strengthening their responsiveness to needs of citizens and promote prudent management of resources to check abuse.

Chakwera Pardons 52 Prisoners

President Lazarus Chakwera has pardoned 52 prisoners from the country’s prisons as part of Easter celebration.

Maternal Health Gets $1 million Boost

Health officials have expressed optimism that the distribution exercise of essential medical equipment worth $1 million in the country’s hospitals will significantly assist to enhance reproductive health services.

Think Tank Conference Tackles COVID-19 3rd Wave Preparedness

Health think tanks say the first and second waves of covid 19 have taught the country lessons to prepare for and manage the looming third wave.

K120 Billion for Mw - Mz Rail Link

Governments of Malawi and Mozambique are expected to invest one hundred and ten billion kwacha to rehabilitate a rail link between the two countries that was interrupted during the civil war in Mozambique.

UTM Condemns Hostile By-Election Victory in Karonga

UTM has condemned acts by its followers who paraded a coffin covered with Malawi Congress Party MCP cloth as they celebrated unofficial victory in the  Karonga North West Constituency by - election on Wednesday.

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