Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

FPAM Engages Traditional Leaders on Family Planning

Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM) has engaged traditional leaders in Chikwawa district to popularize family planning in the district.

Theft of Materials Worries Contractor

A Contractor in the construction works of the canal under the Shire Valley Transformation Program has complained of massive theft of construction materials by some workers and surrounding communities in Chikwawa district.

Veteran Journalist Chimphweya Dies

A veteran photo Journalist James Chimphweya has died.

Immigration DG Cautions Officers on Corruption

Newly appointed Director General of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services, Hennings Mlotha, has called on immigration officers to avoid corruption in their line of duty.

Police Urged to Detach Themselves from Politicians

Political interference was noted during a Wednesday post elections review meeting held in Mulanje by police in south eastern region as a contributing factor to loss of trust by the public on police.

Neno Mother Gives Birth to Triplets

A 40 year old mother in Neno district has given birth to triplets at Neno district hospital and is looking for assistance as she says she can't manage to take care of them all as her husband is also in hospital with an amputated leg following a road accident in Mwanza.

UN Tells Malawi to work with LGBTIs

The United Nations has asked Malawi to embrace key populations like gays and lesbians in an attempt of achieving zero reduction rate of new HIV infections in the country.

Msukwa, Abida Say Land Registration Vital

There is hope that the land of poor people will be protected from grabbing as government finally rolls out the registration of landholder ownership exercise in Chikwawa district.

LL City Council Takes a Tough Stand on Open Space Cultivation

The Lilongwe City Council has said it will take stringent measures to deal with people that cultivate in open spaces, road reserves, and undeveloped plots.

Villagers Storm DC Office Demanding Removal of Sub T/A Masache

Some angry People have stormed the District council's office in Chikwawa to push the DC to replace Sub T/A Masache.

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