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Police Shoot Suspected Armed Robber in Mangochi

A suspected armed robber has been killed, two arrested, while two others are on the run after Police in the eastern region foiled their armed robbery mission in Mangochi Friday.

NAC Engages CBOS in the Fight against Coronavirus Spread

Amid the rising figures of Coronavirus infected people and COVID-19 deaths in Malawi, the National Aids Commission (NAC) has taken Coronavirus prevention messages to rural masses through Community Based Organizations.

Amitofo Donates Wheel Chairs to PWDs

At least 42 people with mobility disabilities in Mulanje, most of them children, can now afford a smile after receiving wheelchairs from Amitofo Care Centres in Blantyre and Lilongwe.

DC Asks for COVID-19 Funds

Chikwawa District Commissioner has asked development partners to push the Central Government to allocate money in the next national budget in order to fight COVID-19 pandemic.

Commentators Fear the 2020/2021 National Budget will Face Implementation Challenges

Some experts have expressed worry the 2020/2021 National Budget might face problems in implementation considering the short time parliamentarians had deliberating it in their different committee cluster meetings.

Neno Community Police Decorated

Police in Neno district with the help of VALE logistics has awarded community policing forums in the district for their outstanding work in protecting rail lines and reducing crime among the communities surrounding the lines.

APM Adamant on Cabinet Dissolution Ahead of the Court Ordered FPE

President Peter Mutharika has put his foot down he will not dissolve his cabinet prior to the Constitutional Court ordered fresh presidential poll slated for June 23, as it is legally required of him.

TEVETA Donates 15,000 Face Masks to Ngara Technical College

TEVET Authority has bailed out Ngara Community Technical College in Karonga with 15,000 face masks for preventing the spread of the novel Coronavirus, amid fears the students are at high risk of contracting diseases such as Cholera.

UN Rapporteur on Independence of Judges Condemns Executive for Actions Against Chief Justice Nyirenda

Attempts by President Peter Mutharika to remove the country’s Chief Justice days before Tuesday’s presidential elections have attracted widespread condemnation from both local and international rights and legal bodies.

Treasury to Release K10bn to MEC; K10bn Budget Deficiet Remains

At an adhoc press briefing Thursday evening, Malawi Electoral Commission announced that treasury has committed to release K10bn of K20bn shortfall on its budget for the fresh presidential election by mid-morning Friday.

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