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MW & TZ Sign MoUs on Multi-million Dollar Power Projects

The governments of Malawi and Tanzania have high hopes that the Songwe Hydro Power Plant they intend to jointly establish at the Lower Songwe River will boost their economic activities.

The neighbouring countries signed two Memorandums of Understanding to improve their energy sectors during a recent meeting of high-profile officials who met in the Tanzanian commercial city Dar es Salaam.

First, the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) and Tanzania's electricity company TANESCO signed an inter utility agreement for power trade.

This agreement, which was signed by ESCOM’s Chief Executive Officer Kamkwamba Kumwenda and his TANESCO counterpart Maharage Chande, will see the construction of transmission lines from Nkhoma in Lilongwe to Songwe for a power interconnection between the two countries.

The other agreement, signed between Malawi's minister of energy Ibrahim Matola and his Tanzanian counterpart January Makamba, worth $761 million is on an intergovernmental pact for collaboration of the two countries on the Songwe Hydropower and Malawi Tanzania Interconnector Project.

Matola said the projects, once completed, will help attract investors since they will be assured of stable power supply, thereby creating job opportunities for the citizens of Malawi.

“More investors will be interested to open their businesses in the northern part of Malawi, this will also create jobs for our people,” said Matola.

The Malawi energy minister said signing of the deals is a follow-up to engagements by heads of state from the two nations who recently had exchange visits.

“One of the key topics at the forefront of these discussions was the construction of the momentous Songwe Dam, a multi-purpose project that holds immense potential for both nations,” added Matola.

He also said the benefits of this energy cooperation extend beyond the boundaries of the two nations and that the impact will be felt throughout the region as it will contribute to the overall stability and progress of East Africa and South Africa through the Eastern African Power and Southern African Power Pool.

Makamba said that the MoUs gives direction and clear roadmap for the projects.

“The MoUs spell out the next steps... one is the formation of joint technical teams. Within one month, each country should appoint a team to start to work on implementation,” he said.

Other than the deals in the pipeline with Tanzania, Malawi also has an agreement to tap power from Mozambique.

That deal was launched by President Lazarus Chakwera and his Mozambican counterpart Filipe Nyusi in April 2022.

Over 100 LUANAR Students in Desperate Need for Fees

By Franklin Mtambalika

The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resource (LUANAR) students’ union -Natural Resources Campus, says it 0is overwhelmed with requests from students who are in dire need of financial bail-out to pay tuition fees and accommodation among other expenses.

The union’s president Vitumbiko Chirwa told Zodiak Thursday that over 100 students from the university are in need of about K30 Million, to carter for their school fees and accommodation, urging well-wishers to come to their aid.

Close to half of the students according to Chirwa were affected by Cyclone Freddy.

“Currently 49 students have approached us that they are victims of Cyclone Freddy and need financial assistance, and over 50 have also registered with us as needy students and that they require financial bail-out to pay for tuition fees,” said Chirwa.

Chirwa added that, the union has organized a big-walk and a clean-up campaign in Lilongwe today Saturday, August 19, 2023, and they will later be hosting a cultural event next weekend at the campus as part of the activities lined up to raise the funds.

Civil Society Education Coalition (CSEC) Executive Director Benedicto Kondowe says lack of tuition fees remains a big challenge among students in the public universities. He has urged authorities to find sustainable ways of dealing with the situation.

Kondowe said; “The initiative speaks volumes of the country’s failure to have sustainable access to financial support to carter for their education, to the extent that the students are taking up the responsibility to look for alternative sources of such support”.

“It is high time universities instituted special departments to handle scholarships, loans and grants to help address such challenges, as is the case with South Africa and European countries”.  

Recently University of Malawi (UNIMA) and LUANAR increased fees from K420,000 to K600,000 per year for generic students, a development which has sparked debate in the country.

Cyclone Freddy Blamed for 27 Percent Crime Increase in South East Police Region

Commissioner for South East Police Region, Chikondi Chingadza has attributed the region's bi-annual 27 percent increase in crime to the people's vulnerability caused by Cyclone Freddy.

PAK Foundation Launches Back to School Initiative in Mulanje

A Mulanje based Non-Governmental Organization, PAK Foundation on Thursday launched a back to school initiative in Traditional Authority Juma in Mulanje district.

Grengary Primary School in Thyolo Faces Permanent Closure

There are fears that Grengary primary school in Thyolo might be permanently closed following the growing vandalism of property by the thieves.

Man Beheads Wife, Son and Commits Suicide

Two bodies of a woman and her 2-year-old son have been discovered beheaded in Karonga, an incident which has sent shockwaves among residents there.

Police in the district say that the bodies were found alongside another body, of a man believed to be the husband, whom they suspect beheaded the two before taking his own life.

The man has been identified by the police as, 27-year-old Jonathan Mzumara, from the district.

Karonga Police Publicist Sergeant George Mulewa says, the three bodies were discovered today by some villagers who were passing by the house.

"We found the body of Jonathan Mzumara hanging from the roof at the sitting room, while bodies of the wife and son were found on the floor in a pool of blood," said Mulwa.

He adds that, the couple has been quarrelling since 2019, and that several attempts by family members to resolve their marital conflict did not yield any results

Police have identified the other two as; Mervis Kumwenda and 2-year-old Ian Mzumara.

Mental Health Expert Dr Ndumanene Silungwe says that believes that this is a sign of serious mental disorder.

“Government should focus on issues of men's mental health if we are to avoid suicidal cases in the country," said Silungwe.

All the three deceased hailed from Paramount Chief Kyungu’s area in Karonga.

Surge in Attacks by Street Connected Children Worries Communities

Some Malawians are complaining of an increase in attacks orchestrated by street connected children, especially in Blantyre city where they are causing panic among residents.

21-Year Jail Term for Robbing Guests at a Lodge in Mzuzu

Principal resident magistrate Clemence Chamwenda sitting at the Mzuzu court registry has sentenced six men to 21- years imprisonment with hard labour each, for robbing guests at Royal Gardens Lodge at Lubinga in the city on 4th August this year.

The six (jailed) and two others who are still at large, robbed property which included cellphones, laptops, clothes, and cash among others worth over 7 million Kwacha.

State prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Vickness chinseu Simwinga of Mzuzu police told the court on Wednesday this week, that the convicts had planned to commit the offense as they were equipped with panga knives, metal bars, camouflage clothes, and face masks.

“Your worship, these are dangerous criminals and they are a threat to the security of people such that they deserve a harder sentence,” said Assistant Superintendent Simwinga.

Of the six, four are ex-convicts while the other two are first offenders, and their plea for mercy from the court when sentencing was not entertained.

In his judgment, Principal Resident Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda said the crime the accused committed, has the potential to harm the business of the lodge.

Replied magistrate Chamwenda; “It has pleased this court to send you to jail for 21 years each. Your actions may have a negative impact on the lodge, as people will have trust issues with its security”.

Meanwhile, Mzuzu Police Spokesperson Inspector Paul Tembo has welcomed the judgment, saying this will motive the law enforcers in their zeal to combat crime in the city.

“The arrest and swift conviction of the six is an indication that the law enforcers have stepped up efforts in providing security in the city, after registering incidences of theft cases in the past months,” explained Inspector Tembo.

The six include Faduwik Chiwaya, Sam Kagunda, Precious Jonathan, Issa Ibrahim, Stonald Nkhoma, and Titus Chirwa.

UNCTAD Tips African Countries on Investments

A report by the United Nations Development Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has called on African leaders to champion the diversification of supply chains.

Titled “The Potential of Africa to Capture Technology-Intensive Global Supply Chains” UNCTAD in the report notes that Africa has potential to build resilience of supply chains due to a number of factors that include, presence of natural resources.

It however cites that, despite boasting an abundant supply of raw materials, most African nations are failing to utilize existing resources.

UNCTAD has made several suggestions on how African nations could leverage their strengths.

Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) economist, Dr Betchani Tcheleni agrees with the findings of the report.

“We are not getting action, action-oriented leadership is missing especially  here in Malawi. It is so sad to the extent that, we are exporting raw minerals like coal,” said Tcheleni.

In 2009, the African union put forward the Africa Mining Vision to ensure that Africa utilizes its mineral resources, a sector the report notes is slowly being implemented.
In the MW2063 development blueprint, private sector dynamism and industrialization are among key enablers.

National Planning Commission’s Communications Manager Thom Khanje said realizing the vision demands Malawi to produce more.

Khanje said; “The pillars focus on the importance of production and business to the growth of the economy and realization of the Malawi 2063 vision, findings of the report resonate with this vision.”

Minister of Trade and Industry, Simplex Chitchyola Banda is optimistic that strategies initiated by Government on value addition will spur growth of the economy.

“We are promoting special economic zones where we are developing industrial parks to do value additions,” he said.

Malawi is a net importer but a meagre percentage of her exports are concentrated in the green gold (tobacco) which is mostly exported raw.

Rumphi Residents Protest New Water Tariffs

Some traditional leaders and residents in Rumphi have asked Northern Region Water Board (NRWB) to reduce its 50% water tariffs increment to 36%.

Speaking during an engagement with the board yesterday executive director for Rumphi Residents Association Walika Mkandawire said that the 50% hike, is too high.

Mkandawire claimed that the board did not do thorough consultations on the matter before coming up with the new tariffs.

"The new tariffs are not affordable, have to be revised," said Mkandawire.

Mkandawire also raised the issue of poor hygiene at the board’s intake asking it to improve.

Acting chief executive officer for NRWB, Francis  Munthali turned down the request, saying that the high cost of commodities has pushed production high, hence previous tariffs were not sustainable.

He added; “The board considered a number factors such as; Covid-19, the war between Russia and Ukraine among others.”

On the issue of poor sanitation, Munthali committed to take action on the matter.

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