Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

MEC Calls for Citizen Participation in 2025 Elections

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has called upon the country's citizens to partake in the voter registration exercise in order to vote during the 2025 general elections.

Standard Bank Finances NCIC Construction Conference

Standard Bank Plc says it values the role of investment in infrastructure development as a key driver for economic development in the country, hence its financial support for various activities in the sector.

Msonkhano Waukulu wa PDP Ulipo pa 13-14 September

Chipani cha Peoples Development (PDP) chati chidzachititsa msonkhano wake waukulu pa ku Blantyre kuyambira pa 13 mpaka 14 September, ndipo anthu akapikisana pa mipando yonse kuphatikizapo wa mtsogoleri.

Waste Dumped Within Residential Areas in MJ

There is a ticking time bomb for residents of Chitakale behind the police unit and Chipiku store in Mulanje district as waste collected from Chitakale market and other areas is being dumped within their homes.

Bt District Council Bemoans Environmental Degradation

Concerned by increased land degradation, authorities in Blantyre have launched the catchment management initiative to conserve and restore the district's environment. This initiative, part of the 'Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project' (MWASIP), will primarily target the area of Traditional Authority Kunthembwe.

ACB Arrests 10 for Corruption at Immigration

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested eight officers and two middlemen at the Immigration Department for alleged corrupt practices in the issuance of passports and other travel documents.

PRISAM Advocates for Inclusion in Curriculum Training Programs

The Private Schools Owners Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has urged the government to include private school teachers in training programs for the new curriculum.

Special Gift for PEOPLE With Hearing Impairement Malawi

On Friday, July 5, 2024, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi released a translation of the Holy Bible entitled, The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, in Malawi Sign Language (MSL). The translation was released at a special event held at one of their educational centers in Area 32, Lilongwe.

Three-day Program Promises Good News!


In a world where bad news endlessly streams on social media, TV and radio, three-day live events open to the public will deliver only good news!

Malawi's Corruption Crisis: Stakeholders Demand Action Beyond Rhetoric

For the past five years, Transparency International's corruption perception indices have consistently ranked Malawi as one of the most corrupt countries, with scores below 40 percent annually.

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