Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Govt Intensifies TB Screening in Mines

The ministry of health has intensified TB screening in all mines and factories that produce dust as a byproduct with the aim of getting rid of TB in the extractive industry in Neno district.

MEC Offices Sealed

The anti-Jane Ansah protesters have sealed offices of the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) in their continued bid to force the Commission step down.

Generate Income Through Tree Planting; CBOs told

As funding problems continue paralyzing operations of most Community Based Organizations (CBOs), a local organization says communities now need to be taught sustainable ways of running their institutions such as venturing into agri-business instead of relying on donors only.

AHL Group Saves Chiradzulu DHO

There are prospects of reduced malaria attacks at Chiradzulu hospital following the spraying of terminator chemical by AHL Group which controls pests including mosquitoes, bed bugs and cockroaches.

Malawi’s State Of The Environment ‘Pathetic’ - Environmentalist

An Environmentalist has decried continued failure by the country to protect the trees that are planted year in year out saying stakeholders are spending billions of kwacha in such initiatives without follow up on the trees to ensure maximum survival.

Violence Against the Elderly Still on the Rise in Chitipa

Cases of violence against the elderly in Chitipa, are showing no signs of abating despite massive campaigns against the vice.

Teacher Writes History Curriculum Book

A teacher at Nazarene Mission Secondary School in Blantyre has written a questions and answers history book for junior secondary school students after noting how students struggle with the subject.

Deforestation Worries TEVETA

Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) says continued deforestation has negatively impacted one of its courses; carpentry and joinery.

Commissioner Linda Kunje Annoys Committee of Parliament

A commissioner of the Malawi Electoral Commission, Linda Kunje, suggested Tuesday that presiding officers who are known to have used correctional fluid during the 2019 tripartite elections would be sanctioned after the supreme court determines the way forward in the appeal case now before it in the presidential election case. She, however, said the silence of the law on the matter makes use of the act acceptable.

6 Year IHL for Stealing Baby

The Magistrate’s Court in Mulanje on Tuesday convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment a 30 year old woman for stealing a two day old baby at Mulanje district hospital on Monday.

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