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200 DPP Leaders 'Defect' to MCP in Lower Shire

Over 200 purported Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leaders in Chikwawa West and Nsanje South West constituencies have defected to Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

Defilement Lands 70 Year Old in Cell

Police in Balaka have arrested a 70 year old man for allegedly defiling three girls aged between 11 and 13.

Scramble for Maize Rising in Admarc Depots

Erratic and low supply of maize in ADMARC depots are said to be fuelling congestion in some ADMARC depots in the country.

Malawi Making Strides In HIV/Aids Fight

Malawi expects to attain the 90-90-90 goal in the fight against HIV and Aids this year, a feat government says indicated the country has made tremendous progress.

4 Family Members Die Suddenly in Ntcheu

Three children and their step-father died Tuesday in Ntcheu district while five others are admitted to the district hospital after they suddenly fell sick.

Civil Society Alliance Weighs In On Judge Bribing Expose'

The consortium Against Organized and Serious Crimes has written the ACB demanding swift arrest of the two people implicated in attempts to bribe the five judges who have been hearing the presidential election case in Constitutional Court.

“I Won’t Name Suspects” ACB’s Matemba

Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General, Reyneck Matemba, Tuesday sought to ease the pressure for action mounted on his office following Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda’s report of alleged attempts, by two citizens, to corrupt Concourt judges.

Government Suspends Duty On Maize Flour Imports From SA

The government of Malawi has suspended duty on maize flour imported from South Africa as a measure to counter the raging maize crisis in the country at the moment.

Malawian Lady Stranded in Eswatini, Suspected Trafficking Survivor

A young Malawian lady is said to be bedridden in a hospital in Eswatini after she was found loitering in the streets of Manzini, a suspected survivor of human trafficking away from home in the country formerly called Swaziland.

HRDC Ready with Anti- Jane Ansah Demos

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) says it has notified all four city councils and other two district councils of the planned anti-Jane Ansah demonstrations slated for 16th January, 2020.

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