Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

More Women Still Lacking Vital HIV Messages

Non-governmental organization, Our Bodies, Our Lives (OBOL) says there is still a need to equip Hiv positive women with knowledge on treatment and positive living.

Nkhata-Bay Chiefs Lead Fight Against COVID-19; Cholera

Local leaders in Nkhata-Bay have vowed to take leading roles in the fight against Covid-19 and cholera as the district prepares for the launch of integrated Covid-19 Vaccination and Tithetse Cholera campaigns.

Over 30% of Boreholes in Rumphi Nonfunctional

District Water Development Officer for Rumphi Vincent Holowanya says 31.4% of boreholes in the district are non-functional.

Malawi, China Sign Partial Debt Cancellation Agreement

Malawi and China have today Tuesday in Lilongwe signed a partial debt cancellation agreement, with a 5 US dollar debt scraped off from the Asia’s economic giant’s debt list.

Experts Back Holding of Full Council Meeting Amid Parliament Sitting

Experts have said there is nothing wrong with councilors holding full council meetings, when Parliament is in session, arguing the role of ward councilors and lawmakers in the development of the country are different.

25 Ethiopians Arrested in Chitipa For Illegal Entry

Police in Chitipa are keeping in custody 25 Ethiopians for allegedly entering the country without proper documents.

Chiefs in Phalombe Want Contractor Redeployed

Government has come under fire from some six traditional authorities in Phalombe who are pushing the latter to redeploy contractors to complete rehabilitation works for two gravity fed water schemes in the district after two previous workers abandoned the site without completing works.

Save the Children Lauded in Balaka for Cholera Response

Health workers in Balaka say they are now relieved of stress they had to contain cholera cases, thanks to Save the Children and other partners for beefing up staff.

MPS Non Committal on Shelving Height Requirement On Police Recruitment

The Malawi Police Service (MPS) is not coming out clear if it has shelved a height requirement for those wishing to join the service as has been the case.

Security Expert Suggests Sweeping Firearms in the Hands of Criminals

A security analyst, Aubrey Kabisala is suggesting that security apparatus should check the availability of firearms in the country which criminals are using to attack the citizenry.

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