Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

EPWP Paying Dividends - Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of the Enhanced Public Works Program (EPWP) in Phalombe say the initiative is yielding significant benefits for the people in the district.

PRISAM Ushers in New Leaders

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has elected new leaders to lead the Association at an elective conference held on Sunday at Mponela in Dowa.

3 Bereaved Chieftaincy Clans in Thyolo Submit Next Heirs

The Kapichi, Chimaliro, and Changata clans of Thyolo have submitted to the government the names as the next heirs to the traditional authorities who died last year.

Thyolo MPs Ask Pacific Limited for Borehole Rehabilitation Support

Parliamentarians for Thyolo Central, Ben Phiri, and his counterpart Mavuto Sandram Scott of Thyolo South constituency have appealed for support from Pacific Limited to help in repairing broken boreholes in their respective areas.

Rumphi District Council Launches Tree Planting With High Expectations

Rumphi District Council has launched this year's tree planting season with hope to increase survival rate from the current 75 percent to 90 percent.

Mzimba Women Constructs a Health Post to Increase Vaccine Uptake

A women's care group in the Traditional Authority Kampingo Sibande in Mzimba North has constructed a health post and house for a Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) in a bid to among other things increase vaccine updates among under five children in the area.

Synod of Livingstonia Bans Congregants From Traveling to Zambia

The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia has banned its local congregants from traveling to Zambia for church activities amid rising cases of Cholera in that country which has claimed the lives of more than 400 people in a space of three months.

Stakeholders Demand More Action in PFM Law Enforcement

Stakeholders have decried alleged lack of seriousness on enforcement of Public Finance Management law in the country.

Neno CSOs Petition Council

The Neno Civil Society Organizations Network has handed their work grievances to the Neno District Council in a bid to create a good working environment between the two and advance government development agendas.

Deforestation Recipe For Adverse Impact of Climate Change- NKhata-Bay DC

NKhata-Bay district commissioner, Rodgers Newa says 3% of trees in the district are being destroyed every year resulting to adverse impact of climate change affecting livelihoods, a situation which needs a collaborative effort to safeguard and restore them.

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