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Police Professionalism Questioned; Seven Suspects Escape At Chitedze Police Unit

Seven suspects have escaped custody at Chitedze Police Unit in Lilongwe which was left unattended Saturday night, barely two weeks after a similar incident at a police unit in Mzimba.

Small Scale Traders To Compete for 57 Public Procurements

The Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority – PPDA has set aside 57 public procurements windows that will specifically be awarded to small-scale businesses when government wants to buy goods and services.

Mzimba Police Faulted For Granting Bail To Rape And Defilement Suspects

A Women Empowerment Movement in Mzimba has faulted police in the district for granting dubious bails to Rape and Defilement suspects under their custody, a thing they say is derailing the fight against gender-based violence among women and girls.

Henry Mussa Goes Back To Court Tuesday July 27

Former Minister of Information Henry Mussa will on Tuesday 27th July re-appear before Chief Resident Magistrate Patrick Chirwa in Lilongwe, to continue answering theft charges, alongside former director of information, Gideon Munthali.

Justice Minister Suggest Community Service On COVID-19 Containment Measures Offenders

Minister of Justice, Titus Mvalo who is also a member of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 is suggesting handing community service sentences to people convicted of contravening the pandemic containment measures.

Media Council Consulting To Centralize Journos Accreditation

Media Council of Malawi (MCM) says consultation with stakeholders to centralize accreditation of journalists is progressing and expects to be complete by the end of this year.

The organization's Executive Director, Moses Kaufa however feels with 714 journalists issued with press cards so far, their quest for media self-regulation and professionalism to addressing issues of gate-crashing is on track now.

"We are looking forward to centralizing accreditation of journalists as such consultations with Ministry of Information and Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority have already been done. By end of this year, all key stakeholders will be consulted," he said.

Media expert, Horace Nyaka believes accreditation will help in identifying journalists, and in the case they misbehave, aggrieved parties can approach their media houses or MCM.

However, on the conduct of journalists, Nyaka says it is important for event organizers to ensure that only bonafide journalists attend such events.

The country has over 1, 500 practicing journalists, according to the Media Council of Malawi.

Communities Suggests an MOU With AIP Suppliers

Some Community members in Salima want suppliers of the Affordable Inputs Programme this year to sign an MOU with community representatives from the area where they have been assigned as one way of addressing the issue of suppliers shunning rural areas.

MMCT partners Lawi To Raise Awareness on Mount Mulanje Conservation

Musician Lawi whose real name is Francis Phiri has partnered with Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT) to voice concerns over the depletion of the environment in Mulanje Mountain.

Pressure Mount On Government Over Independence Day Expenditure

Homeland security Minister Richard Chimwendo Banda who was Chairperson of the 2021 Independence Day Celebrations has refuted claims that funds for the Independence Day Celebrations were channeled into the personal account of Chief secretary Zangazanga Chikhosi.

NU Council Warns of Legal Action Against Govt Land Encroachers

Ntcheu District Council says will take legal actions to reclaim government land that was allegedly sold to people in the district through dubious deals with the aid of some public officers there.

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