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APM Against ConCourt Ruling: Instructs Lawyers To Appeal

President Peter Mutharika has instructed his lawyers to file an appeal, in the country’s highest court, against an order of the Constitutional Court nullifying his narrow victory in the May 21, 2019 election and the order for a fresh presidential election in 150 days.

Malawi Election: What the Annulment Means For Democracy across Africa

 Opposition supporters in Malawi have been celebrating after a panel of five top judges annulled the results of last May's presidential election.

Hunger Stricken Families in Machinga Call for Assistance

Some hunger stricken families in Machinga have called for more food support, saying the hunger situation is now going out of hand as some people are reportedly fainting of hunger in the area.

Afro-Barometer Findings Agree With Constitutional Court Verdict

The Centre for Social research of Chancellor College says it is high time political leaders started upholding views of Malawians on how to run the country in this majoritarian dispensation.

Floods Kill One, Distress 2,000 Families in Karonga

A person has been killed in floods that swept him down stream in Karonga while close to 2,000 families have been left homeless.

Tight Security On Judgment Day, Judges in Armored Vehicles

The court premises in Lilongwe’s area 3 were a no-go-zone for every Jim and Jack yesterday when the High Court sitting as Constitutional Court was passing its Judgment on the Presidential election nullification petition.

Balaka District Council Staff in Town Cleanup

Balaka District Council says will from now on dedicate one day each month in which employees and willing residents will be cleaning the town as one way of ensuring cleanliness.

Government Fills In 180 Key Positions in Councils

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development through the Local Government Service Commission (LGSC) has promoted some officers in local councils who were working in acting capacities.

MCP Holding Victory Rally At Its' Headquarters In Lilongwe

The Malawi Congress Party-MCP-has called for what it is calling a victory rally at its’ headquarters at City Centre in the capital, Lilongwe.

MCP Vice President Urges Youth to Be Responsible

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) vice president has implored the party's youths in the eastern region to desist from any acts that will incite public disorder.

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