Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

PRISAM Expands Base

The Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has launched its chapter in Lilongwe with a call for schools to join and benefit from it.

Zodiak Journalists Win Thirteen Awards at MISA Gala

Several journalists at Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) have won thirteen individual awards at this year's Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi ceremony that took place at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe on Saturday night aimed at recognizing journalists and media houses that have highly performed in the previous year.

CDF Waters Blantyre North

Over 30,000 people will be accessing clean water from the newly commissioned piped water supply in Blantyre North thanks to a 21-million-kwacha funding from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Neno District Council Hails Localisation Pilot Project

The people of Neno who have been the immediate beneficiaries of the Save the Children-Italy funded Localisation Pilot Project have said "Thank You" to the project as it phases out this month.

FPAM Reaches Over 2000 Cyclone Freddy Survivors in Phalombe

The Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM) says over 2000 clients affected by the devastating effects of Cyclone Freddy have been reached with sexual and reproductive health services in Phalombe district.

The Golden Era: Matonga to Lead MISA-Malawi

Golden Matonga, Platform for Investigative Journalism Director of Investigations, has been confirmed as the new chairperson of the Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter following executive committee elections held yesterday in the three regions of the country.

Safe Sex Back after Unsafe Waters

Following the aftermath of cyclone Freddy which made landfall on March 13, affecting 15 districts in the southern region, 23-year-old Caroline Chikho from Blantyre's Ndirande township was not spared, adding her to the list of thousands of people, whose sexual reproductive rights were infringed due to the natural disaster.

Nsanje’s Tengani Youth Eye Economic Transformation

There are prospects of economic transformation among youth in the area of Traditional Authority Tengani in Nsanje district.

Financial Independence Key to Break SRHR Cycle-Oxfam

Oxfam Malawi says good and sound financial muscle among sexually active youths remain crucial to address issues of teen marriages and pregnancies in the country.

MISA-Malawi in Watershed Polls: Who Replaces Iron Madam?

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) says it is determined to provide water-tight balloting services for institutions conducting elections in the country as a means of upholding democratic values.

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