Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Water and Electricity Woes Hit Chisoka Health Center in Thyolo

Expectant women and guardians at Chisoka Health Center in Thyolo are sleeping in the dark and fetching water at a distance due to failure by the district health authorities to buy electricity units.

Neno DHO to Roll Out 5th Oral Polio Vaccination Campaign

Health authorities at Neno district hospital say they plan to roll out the 5th Oral Polio vaccination campaign from 12 to 15 July this year using door to door strategy.

NPC Dares Private Sector to Lead in Development Goals Attainment

The National Planning Commission (NPC) has implored the business community to take a leading role in embracing policies for attainment of the 2030 UN sustainable development goals.

Whistleblower Protection Laws: A Global Perspective

Protection of sources and whistleblowers appears to be a mammoth task in most countries.

Stakeholders Punch Holes in New Forest Act

Delegates at a half day conference aimed at addressing illegal charcoal production in Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve on Wednesday noted some gaps in the new Forest Act.

Maranatha Academy Hosts Finish Line Private Sec School MSCE Candidates

Maranatha Girls Academy is hosting Form 4 students from Finish Line Secondary School who are sitting for the Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations.

Traditional Medicines Adverts to be Vetted, Approved Before Broadcast in Malawi

Broadcasting of advertisements relating to traditional and complementary medicines will have to seek approval from government effect 1 August 2023.

MPS to Turn Thyolo Prison into a Female Facility for the South

The Malawi Prison Service (MPS) believes keeping women in all-female prisons has the potential to uphold their specific social and human needs as well as allowing those with children grow into responsible citizens.

WESNET Up For Harmonized WASH Data

The Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WESNET) is optimistic that harmonizing the Malawi data on water and sanitation (WASH) can assist to improve the sector.

Farmers Struggle to Fight Fall Armyworms, Experts Push for Bio-Tech Varieties

Problems after problems. Winter cropping farmers are now enduring another pain. After being subjected to cyclone Freddy which swept away crops and livestock early this year, farmers are still struggling.

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