Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Drug Shortage Hits Thyolo District Hospital

Amid reports of shortage of essential medical drugs in public health facilities, Thyolo District Hospital is reported to have run out of antibiotics.

Defilement Cases Still High in Mangochi

Defilement cases in Mangochi district are showing no signs of averting as the district has already registered 11 cases this year alone, up from 9 in the same period last year, according to police.

Govt Scrutinizing Option to Pay Carbon Tax

Government says is assessing a suggestion to have its cars stripped off the newly introduced carbon tax exemption.

16 Malawians Deported From Zimbabwe

Barely a week after Mozambique sent back 23 Malawians for lacking proper travelling document and using unchartered routes, Zimbabwe on Wednesday sent 16 others on the same.

Parliament Sets 19 May as Date For Fresh Presidential Poll

Parliament systematically avoided contempt of court on Monday afternoon by amending the Electoral Commission Act and the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Act (PPEA) which the Constitutional Court ordered in its judgment of the Presidential election petition.

Approve Electoral Bills in 7 Days-HRDC Tells APM

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition has given President Peter Mutharika a seven-day ultimatum to assent to the amended Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Act (PPEA) and Electoral Commission Act, threatening to mobilize 5 million Malawians to hold vigils at State House if this does not happen.

45 Year Old Man Drowns in Mangochi

A 45 year old man has died after drowning in Lungwena river in Mangochi district on Tuesday.

Government Yet To Go on Australia’ Lotus And Lilly Fact-Finding Mission

Government is yet to find out if Lotus and Lilly, an Australian company that silently bought 85 percent of Kayerekera uranium mine in Karonga from Paladin Africa, has the capacity to manage the mining site.

DPP Seals Alliance With UDF

The governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has formally sealed an electoral alliance with the United Democratic Front (UDF) ahead of May 19, 2020 presidential elections.

Teacher Arrested for Defiling a Learner

Police in Phalombe have arrested a primary school teacher on suspicion that he defiled a 14- year-old learner.

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