Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

CWO Targets 1, 000 Learners in Environmental Management

The Catholic Women Organization (CWO), one of the arms of the Catholic Church in the country, has embarked on an ambitious environmental project aimed at bringing knowledge in environmental management to primary school learners.

MAGGA Commemorates World Thinking Day

The Malawi Girl Guides Association (MAGGA) on Saturday commemorated World Thinking Day which promotes self-esteem and sharing ideas and experiences among girls.

Msonkho Online Piloting this March

Piloting of Msonkho online roll-out by the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has been shifted to March from February as initially arranged by the tax collecting body.

Police, MANEPO Gang Up Against Elderly Abuse

Police and MANEPO in Neno district have joined hands in fighting all forms of abuse towards the elderly in an effort to ensure the senior citizens enjoy their inalienable right to life to the fullest.

Plan International Shelters Khwalala CDSS Girls

Plan International Malawi has constructed a hostel to accommodate 120 girls at Khwalala Community Day Secondary School in Mulanje district.

Malawian Boy Nominated for Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Boston

A 15 year old Malawian High School boy Michael Muhota has been nominated for America’s Congress of Future Medical Leaders, an honors program for USA’s top students who want to become physicians or go into medical research fields.

Man Sentenced to 14 Years IHL for Rape

Liwonde First Grade Magistrate’s Court sitting at Phalula has sentenced a 33 year old man to 14 years imprisonment for raping a 17 year old girl.

Catholic University of Malawi Goes Green

The Catholic University of Malawi on Thursday planted 2, 500 trees around the institution’s premises in a move aimed at restoring the country’s depleted environment.

“Legislators” Conduct Annoys HRDC

The HUMAN Rights Defenders Coalition HRDC say they are dismayed with what transpired in parliament on Tuesday, when Parliamentary proceedings were abnormally adjourned due to what was said a security threat as a result of the Presence of the coalition’s leadership in the August House.

Analyst Question Creation of New Ministry

Social Commentator Rafiq Hajat, has questioned the creation of a new Ministry which will serve as the Ministry of Disaster management and Public events.

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