Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

RA Says Designing of Mbirima Border Road Underway

Roads Authority says it understands the strategic importance of the Chitipa Mbirima Border road as it offers an alternative to Malawians trading with Tanzania.

Mulanje Council Demolishes 'Illegal' Structure


Insanity on access to land, acquisition, development and its management appears to be assuming epidemic proportions in Malawi where traces of the cancer are evident almost everywhere.

Eyes Up Marvelous Lunar Lite African Skies

The night skies of Malawi and surrounding neighbors Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia turned a rare marvel last evening when, for a historic moment, when the moon passed directly behind the earth and into its shadow.

Chitipa Citizens Foot Down Against MRA Border Staff

Demonstrations which citizens of Chitipa conducted on Friday aimed at forcing government to remove Malawi Revenue Authority MRA officers at Mbirima Border Post where Malawi shares her boundary with Tanzania has ended in massive looting of shops, Zodiak Online can confirm.

Ex-Cop Sent to Jail for Possessing Indian Hemp

A former police officer was on Wednesday been ordered jailed for four years after he was found in possession of Indian hemp in Salima district in 2018.

Entrepreneurs Challenged to Embrace Buy Malawi Strategy

Local producers have been challenged to be creative and pro-active if the Buy Malawi Strategy is to make a significant contribution in the face of increased smuggling of goods from other countries.

EU-EOM Reverses Elections Report Presentation

The European Union Elections Observers Mission (EU-EOM) has bowed down to warnings from Malawi opposition parties and other stakeholders to refrain from presenting its report on the May 21 elections.

Passport Application Suspended

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services has suspended application of new passports from Wednesday to pave way for migration of machine readable passports to the e-passport.

Land Sale Probe Awaits Funding

Chairperson of a joint parliamentary committee that is probing into alleged dubious sale of public land says they are waiting for funds to proceed with the inquiry.

Bingu Suspect Wealth Infor Goes Missing

Seven years after the Anti-Corruption Bureau–ACB-indicated it was investigating claims that former President Bingu wa Mutharika had starched over 70 billion Kwacha in off-shore accounts, nothing has happened on the ground as information has gone missing at ACB.

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