Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Mosquito Nets Theft Suspects Granted Bail

Balaka Second Grade Magistrate’s court has granted bail to two health surveillance assistants who were arrested for alleged theft of 200 government mosquito nets.

TEVET Work Hampered In Drive To Impart to Youths Vocational Skills

Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority - TEVET says insufficient resources are a set-back to meeting growing demand from youths requiring various skills in the wake of high unemployment rate in the country .

MCTU Supports Teachers’ Sit-in, Calls On Govt. to Revisit Paying Mechanism

The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) has called on government to revisit and expedite review of the public service paying mechanism in order to deal with bottlenecks and challenges to do with salaries wrangles, especially among teachers.

Kottana Mysterious Death: Court Remands Three Suspects

Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate, Violet Chipawo, has ordered further detention of the three suspects in the sudden death of Lilongwe’ girl,  Kottana Chidyaonga.

Fishing Ban on Lake Malawi Sparks Misunderstanding on Likoma Island

Fishermen in Likoma Island have disagreed with government’s fresh sanction for a complete ban of the use of prohibited fishing nets on Lake Malawi.

Chikuli Bridge in Mulanje Submerged

Chikuli bridge in Mulanje has been submerged following heavy downpour the district has been receiving since Tuesday.

High Court Sends Three Murderers to Jail for Life

High Court judge, Esmy Chombo, has ordered three men sent to the gallows for murder committed in three different cases.

MCP, Freedom Party Condemn DPP Over Mphepo Remarks

The Malawi Congress Party and the Freedom Party have issued separate statements condemning what they call “reckless and discriminatory’ and ‘tribalistic and nepotistic’ tendencies by leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party-DPP.

No Names for Now – ACB

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has insisted will not rush into making public names of alleged judge shoppers in the high profile elections case prematurely.

TUM Adamant on Suspending Teachers’ Sit-In

Teachers across the country have vowed to continue with their sit-in until they get their December 2019 salaries.

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