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Officer Fired Over Party-time Fist-Fight


The Malawi Defense Force (MDF) has, reportedly, fired a senior officer days after the officer engaged his senior in a bloody fist fight.

Major Mike Katumbi was reportedly fired days after the social media was awash with reports he had been injured after picking a quarrel at a Christmas bowl with his senior Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Chirwa.

At that time, MDF spokesperson Major Paul Chiphwanya told us the matter was under investigations and pending final decision by the army.

Today, however, Chiphwanya outright refused to comment on the matter.

But our confidantes say, Major Katumbi, was found guilty of provoking his senior into a fight.

We understand that Lieutenant Colonel Chirwa has since been demoted to rank of major.

The two senior MDF soldiers picked up a fight on 27 December 2019 at an end-of-year party for senior officers where Major Katumbi sustained serious injuries.

Our confidantes tell us Major Katumbi was ordered to leave the barracks in 7 days.

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