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APAM Demanding Meeting APM Over Delayed Report on Attacks on Albinos

The Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi-APAM-has written Secretary to Government demanding an audience with President Peter Mutharika over a delayed report of findings of a commission of inquiry instituted into attacks of persons with albinism in Malawi.

In the letter to Secretary to Government, Lloyd Muhara, today, president of the APAM, Ian Simbota, says he is overwhelmed with requests from members for the meeting with Mutharika in light of “revelations from suspects undergoing trial and social media reports.

“This is a clear evidence that persons with albinism considers the report as urgent as it borders on their right to life and security,” writes Simbota to the Secretary to Government.

According to the terms of reference of the inquiry that was commissioned by President Mutharika last year, Mutharika was supposed to have received a report on the matter by the 30th of April last year.

Mutharika commissioned the inquiry after persons with albinism in Malawi requested the same in March of 2019 at the height of the savage attacks on persons with albinism in the country.

APAM says believes in dialogue and trusts that government would reciprocate the gesture “in our collective effort to finding lasting solutions to the problems facing persons with albinism in Malawi”.

Simbota has clearly indicated to the office of the President and cabinet that persons with albinism in Malawi have a feeling that some people in the corridors of party had a hand in the attacks.

“The delay in itself is being considered by our membership as a deliberate fishy ploy to hide the master minders (of the attacks) who are assumed by our constituents to be hiding in the corridors of power,” he said.

Read 2987 times

Last modified on Thursday, 16/01/2020

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