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Magistrate Sends Villagehead to Jail for Indecent Assault of Minor

A magistrate court in Kasungu has ordered that a village headman goes to jail for 12 months after he was convicted for indecent assault of an eight-year-old girl.

Village headman Gundani, full name Edward Jackson, was arrested for the offense in December last year.

State prosecutor, Sub Inspector Thoko Juziwel, told the court that “Edward Jackson on the day in question found the girl busy playing outside his house with her friends.”

The police prosecutor told the court that Jackson was caught red-handed persuading the girl to fondly his manhood.

“He …subsequently ejaculated on her thigh,” said Inspector Juziwel.

The matter was reported by another girl who showed up in the room suddenly.

Although the village head pleaded not guilty, state paraded three witnesses and managed to convince the courts.

In mitigation, Jackson pleaded for mercy telling the court he is old.

First Grade Magistrate, Damiano Banda, said the jail term of 12 months should deter other would-be offenders.

Jackson comes from Gundani village, Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu.

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