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Dedza villagers Attack Chief Wee Hours Wednesday

Riots: Villagers block roads Riots: Villagers block roads pic Chikondi Mphande

Around two in the morning today, commotion erupted in a village in Dedza as villager vandalized property of a traditional leader whose authority they no longer respect.

Riot police rushed into Kapesi village where the villagers have vandalized property of Group Village Headman Kapesi.

Eyewitnesses told Zodiak Media that the act appears premeditated as villagers woke each other up using a bell before the attack.

The villagers later hit the road headed for Dedza Police Station which they allegedly planned to vandalize too.

Dedza Police spokesperson, Edward Kabango, says the police had advance intelligence of the mob intention and prevented the act by mounting barricades.

As a result, the angry villagers this morning blocked roads and run riot at the district headquarters. One person has since been arrested.

The people want GVH Kapesi dethroned for what they claim is maladministration of their affairs.

Read 2077 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 27/05/2020

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