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Mzuzu Job-Seekers Stampede Injures 158

Turn-up: Walk-in-interviews Turn-up: Walk-in-interviews pic Social Media

A stampede has left 158 people injured, one critical, in Mzuzu as young men and women hunting for jobs trampled on each other at Katoto Secondary School today.

Thousands of people turned-up for walk-in interviews which the ministry of health called for in the hunt for HSAs, Ward Clerks, Hospital attendants, Rehabilitation Assistants and others as part of the pre-positioning in the fight against the Covid-19.

Our sources at Mzuzu Central Hospital say ambulances brought in 158 people with various degrees of injuries, one critical.

Ironically, everywhere where the interviews are being made, there has been no social distancing arrangement as being advocated and championed by the ministry of health.

There are reports that some of those who were trapped in the stampede in Mzuzu have died.

At Kamuzu College of Nursing in Lilongwe, police had to disperse crowds with teargas to prevent a deadly commotion.

President of the Society of Doctors, Dr. Victor Mithi, has told Zodiak Online that it is sad that ministry of health proceeded with such an arrangement in the middle of the management of Covid-19.

"So sad that young people who left their homes this morning in the hope of securing a job will return dead," he said stressing he was yet to get concrete information on what had transpired.

But another source at Mzuzu Central Hospital told us that "no one has died. But I agree that the ministry should have been the last to arrange things this way".


Read 4078 times

Last modified on Tuesday, 09/06/2020

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