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Chakwera Vows to Respect Constitution: To Step-Down Otherwise

Chakwera: Constituion number one Chakwera: Constituion number one pic by MEC Stringer

Dr Lazarus Chakwera the torch bearer for Tonse Alliance has challenged Malawians that he will be ready to resign as their leader if successfully voted into power amid the presidential rerun, once caught on the wrong side of the Constitution in his rule.

Dr. Chakwera made the remarks on Tuesday 9 June, 2020 during a mega rally Tonse Alliance held at Maganga ground in Nkhata-Bay Central, Traditional Authority T/A Mkumbira saying he will be devoted to respecting the rule of law.

In his sentiments, Chakwera assured Malawians that his government will safeguard the Constitution of Malawi by making sure that no one infringes it upon his sworn in as the country's state president since no one is above the law. 

"Nobody should be above the law, that is the supreme law of the country so we must respect it thus I will make sure that we don't abuse it. No body will be allowed to do that from my team," he explained.

Chakwera then said that his government will use the Constitution of Malawi to safeguard it's people's livelihood so that good living standards should improve for everyone.

He said, "we want to respect our rule of law so that we protect the rights of people in the country and overcome flauting and bias by treating everyone equally."

Delivering her speech, Dr. Joyce Banda who is the former Malawi's state president claimed that the government should return all the funds which have been aided by various organizations to assist in the fight against the deadly Corona virus COVID-19 pandemic as they are not being used for the intended purpose.

Dr. Banda raised the concern as she alleged that there are no cases of COVID-19 yet in the country such that the government is only taking advantage of the outbreak for it's political interest.

She said, "we are hearing news that there is Corona Virus outbreak in the world, we thank God for favoring our country as we don't have it here, they are facking it."

"We are therefore demanding all the funds which have been pumped into Malawi in the name of COVID-19 to the rightful owners and be used for development projects."

Tonse Alliance is holding political rallies across the country to sell their manifesto in an effort to usher their presidential candidate and running mate to form the next government amid the officially set June 23, 2020 Fresh Presidential Election FPE by the Parliament of late.

Written by Kenneth Chizotera Mkandawire-MEC stringer-Nkhata Bay.




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