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Southern African Chief Justices Against Decision for Placement Chief Justice & Judge Edward Twea on Leave

Members of the Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum have expressed concern with government’s attempted placements of Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda and judge Edward Twea on leave pending retirement which they view as interference with independence of the Malawi judiciary.

This is in a statement issued today in Lusaka Zambia signed for by Chief Justices of Zambia, Namibia, Sechelles and Tanzania. Meanwhile, High Court and Supreme Court registrar, Agnes Patemba, says after appointing a Chief Justice, the President of Malawi should not be involved in internal affairs of judiciary including what has happened.

Patemba has said this in a press release responding to the public notice issued by Chief Secretary, Lloyd Muhara, on purported retirement of Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda.

Meanwhile the Association of Magistrates intimates that the decision to send the Chief Justice and Justice Edward Twea on leave is meant to pave way for the next most senior judge Dr. Jane Ansah to take over leadership of the judiciary in Malawi.

Office of President Peter Mutharika is since faced with an avalanche of negative reactions to its decision to send Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda on leave pending retirement.

The reactions are coming from local and international legal and rights organisations all of which argue that the decision is interference on the independence of the judiciary.

Read 15013 times

Last modified on Monday, 15/06/2020

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