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Ntcheu Courts Slap Man With 15 Years for Defilement

A magistrate court in Ntcheu has ordered a man sent to jail for 15 years for defiling a stepped daughter aged 12.

George James, 42, pleaded not guilty to the offence before Ntcheu Senior Resident Magistrate Yohane Munthali who convicted him.

Ntcheu police spokesperson, Hastings Chigalu, says James did what he did on 3rd August, 2020 at Zidana Village, Inkosi Kwataine in the district.

“The state paraded witnesses to secure the conviction,” said Chigalu.  

In mitigation, James pleaded with court for leniency saying he was a first offender.

However, state through police prosecutor, Brazio Kambalame asked court for a stiffer punishment arguing that prevalence of defilement was high in the district.

Senior Resident Magistrate Munthali said he thought a 15-year-old jail term was adequate to send a warning shot to would-be offenders.

George James, hails from Chepa village, Traditional Authority Kwataine in Ntcheu.

Read 2447 times

Last modified on Tuesday, 29/09/2020

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